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A/N: sexual content.


The first show of the tour starts tonight, and I was already exhausted just from the bus ride alone. We left at the ass crack of dawn yesterday, which was the day after Thanksgiving, and I was barely able to sleep from not only the motion of the bus, but how late the guys stayed up doing God only knows what. They were loud as all Hell, and I was beginning to think I made a mistake joining them for a couple days.

On top of all that, I was constantly checking my phone for updates from Juliana, as if the place would burn down suddenly overnight. This was the first time leaving the bakery in the hands of someone else, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about it. I had to keep reminding myself that Jules had been there since the first day that I opened the shop; she knew the ins and outs of the place, so deep down I knew that she would be fine.

But I still had that nagging feeling that something would go wrong.

We arrived in Dallas a little after 8 in the morning, and Noah had to practically drag me out of the bus to grab breakfast with him and the guys. As much as I loved breakfast, I still found myself slumped against his shoulder while we sat and waited for our food to be served, fighting to keep my eyes open.

I flinched and jerked my head back when something hit me in the forehead, my eyes now wide open. "What's up with you, Liv?" I hear Folio ask, noting the straw wrapper that was now sitting in my lap.
I huffed in aggravation, glaring at him before flipping him off. He had a plastic straw dangling from the smirk growing on his lips, which made me roll my eyes. "Fuck off, you know damn well y'all kept me up with your shenanigans last night."
He snickered, "Welcome to the tour life."
I inhaled deeply and sat up straight, my lips puckered in anger, "I swear to God, Nick—"
"Folio," Noah scolds him, enticing a quick 'sorry' from him.

"I'm not in the mood for this," I grumbled, starting to scoot out of the booth to distance myself, only to be stopped by Noah placing his hand on my thigh.
"Easy," he says quietly, sliding his hand to my inner thigh and giving me a squeeze. "C'mere." I huffed and returned to my original position with my head on his shoulder. "I know you're tired, and I'm sorry we kept you up, love. I'll get a hotel room after breakfast so you can get some rest before the show, how's that sound?" he asks me in a hushed tone.
"No, you don't need to spend the money. I'll just burrow myself into the bunk," I mumbled, closing my eyes again.
"You sure?" he questions, his hand inching further up my thigh. "We can be alone after the show, no one to bother us," he counters, his voice low and gravelly, sending a chill down my spine.

My body instinctively reacts to his touch, heat simmering low in my stomach when his fingers brush against the center inseam of my jeans. I snatched his wrist to keep him from continuing any further, and he chuckled knowingly. The nerve of him to do this right in front of the guys, at a family diner of all places, and while knowing I'll be thinking about it all fucking day. "Fine," I agreed, just as our food made it out to the table. He presses a kiss to my head and releases his hold on my leg, leisurely dragging his fingers across my thigh before bringing his hands to the table to dig into his food.

This was going to be a long week.


Noah kept true to his words after breakfast and did book a hotel room not too far from the venue, even though I still felt it was unnecessary. By that point I was too tired to even argue about it; all I wanted was sleep, especially before the show. I can't remember the last time I've been to a concert, and I just knew I'd be wiped out afterwards.

Much to my surprise, I did feel refreshed when I woke up from my nap. I skipped the shower knowing I'd just be a sweaty mess later in the night and took the time to do my makeup since I never really wear anything other than mascara. I did a quick smokey-eye and paired it with a deep red lip color.

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