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Sunoo's POV

After a long day in the office, I finally reached my house, I was in my own thoughts when my feet got hit by something,

"Ouch!" I looked down and saw some boxes, is someone finally moving into the next apartment? I thought and went inside my own house, 

"Sunny," I heard as soon as I entered inside, it was Jake Hyung, I was so happy seeing him here, it's been 3 weeks since I last saw him, God, I missed him so much, 

"Jake Hyung," I said and ran toward him, we both hugged each other, like we met after years. 

"How are you Sunoo-ya, did you enjoy your time in Daegu," Jake Hyung asked me while ruffling my hair. 

"Yes, I did, it was really nice to meet my sister after a long time and her daughter, she is so soft and cute," I said with a smile. 

"Good," Jake Hyung said and we both went inside the living room to sit. 

"Where is Niki," I asked as I didn't see him,

"He is in his room, talking to Yuri on the phone." Jake Hyung told me. 

"Oh! Okay" I nodded my head, suddenly Niki's room opened, and he came outside, 

"Sunoo, you are here I already ordered dinner, hurry to go and change your clothes," Niki said looking at me, 

I agree with him and leave for my room. while changing clothes I again remembered what happened today, I should talk about it with Jake Hyung and Niki. I hurriedly went outside and saw Niki and Jake Hyung setting the food on the dining table.  

We all sat and started to eat when Niki suddenly spoke. 

"Did you talk to Sunghoon Hyung?" He asked Jake Hyung. 

"Yes, He is busy today. so, he won't come today," Jake Hyung said while munching his food. 

They both were talking about different things, which I didn't understand as my whole attention was on the deal that happened today, 

"Sunny, you are fine right, you haven't touched your food yet," Jake Hyung asked me, 

"Y-yes Hyung, I am just a little tired." I tried to smile, but I failed, and I knew they both knew that I faked the smile. 

"Sunoo Hyung, you know you can tell us everything," Niki said, 

Niki rarely calls me Hyung, and when he calls me that it means he is serious. I sighed; I need to tell them everything. 

"Actually, I wanted to tell you this, but didn't know how to." I finally said, 

"It's ok Sunoo, take your time we are here for you," Jake Hyung said, and I smiled hearing them, and it was a genuine smile. my eyes got a little teary as I spoke.

"Hyung, H-he is back," I said trying not to cry. they both looked at each other in confusion but soon Jake Hyung understood, 

"Y-you mean Heesung Hyung?" Jake Hyung asked with a shocked expression, 

I nodded my head, and they both sighed while looking at me. 

"Hyung, did he say something to you, how do you know he is back," Niki asked.

I looked toward them and told them everything that happened today, and about the deal between my boss and Heesung Hyung, both were shocked as much as I was when I first heard about this deal. 

"Is he serious, how can he buy a whole company," Jake Hyung said shockingly. 

"What are you going to do now Sunoo?" Niki asked, 

"I don't know," I said, I am really feeling anxious. I never wanted to see him again, I don't want to suffer all these things again, 

"Sunoo-ya, resign from your company," Jake said with a serious expression. 

"Hyung," I said as I rarely saw Jake Hyung this serious. 

"Sunoo, I am saying this for you. I don't want you to suffer all these things again, only we knew how we feel after seeing you like that, I won't allow this to happen again." Jake Hyung said,

And this moment I can't control myself anymore, I burst into tears, so overwhelmed with emotions, I can't stop crying anymore, all the feelings and memories I buried inside burst out today as soon as I saw him, both Niki and Jake Hyung came near me and hugged me. 

"It's okay Sunoo, we are here for you, you do what you want," Niki said, they both tried to make me feel relaxed while patting me on the back, 

we stayed in that position for a few minutes and finally stopped crying. Jake Hyung placed a plate near me and made me eat all the food placed on the plate. I smiled, as I felt protected and loved, 

After eating we 3 cuddled together on the sofa while watching a movie, after thinking about it, what Jake Hyung said was right, I should resign tomorrow. I don't want to stay near him anymore. 

We three slept together while cuddling together. 


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