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Sunoo's POV

As I woke up, I saw Heesung Hyung was getting ready, I sat on the bed and looked at the time, it was just 7:00 a.m. why he is getting ready this early, 

"Good morning Hyung," I said gaining his attention, 

"Good morning sweetheart." He said smiling at me, I stood up from bed and went toward him and back hugged him, 

"Why are you getting ready this early," I asked, he turned around and pecked my lips, 

"Sorry baby, I forgot to tell you yesterday that I have to go on a business trip for 2 or 3 days, it's very important," he said making me shocked, 

"WHAT, and you are telling me now," I asked, completely disbelieving.

"What can I do, last night you were looking so freaking hot, that I forgot everything," he said in his usual seductive voice, but I was too angry to get turned on, 

"Whatever, but you should have told me, if I hadn't woken up yet, you wouldn't have told me right," I asked in an angry tone, 

"I was going to wake you up, I thought you would be tired after last night," he said, 

I sighed and hugged him, which he gladly accepted by hugging me tighter. "When will you come back, and where are you going," 

"Well, I am not sure it may take 2 days or like a week, it depends as it's a very important deal for our company, and for your other question I am to Daegu," he answered, 

"I will miss you," I said pouting, 

He chuckled at me and again pecked my lips, "I will miss you more," he said kissing my forehead, 

"Now that can be a topic for debate," I said laughing, and he laughed back, 

He left after having breakfast, and I also went to the office, as we are going on a trip after 2 weeks, everyone is busy completing their work so that we can enjoy, 

it was lunch break when finally, I got a little break from all these reports and files, I was lost in my thoughts when Jungwon came and sat beside me, 

"Hey Hyung, what are you thinking," he asked, 

"Nothing," I said smiling, 

"Are you missing Heesung Hyung," Jungwon asked,

"Maybe," I answered smiling, which made him laugh, 

"Well, leave my topic, what is going on with you and Jay Hyung," I asked, and I could see his expression change, 

"Well, nothing much," he said blushing, 

"Tell me clearly," I said, 

"You know that day he confessed to me, I was shocked because I never thought even in my dreams that Jay Hyung would ever like me," he said and I could completely understand what he was trying to say, 

"And what about you, you like him?" I asked, 

"I-I, I like him, but I don't think I am a good choice for him, I am feeling insecure, he is too good for me," he said, truly at this moment I wanted to smack him, 

"And what made you think that." I was going to say when I heard a voice behind us, 

"J-Jay Hyung," me and Jungwon both said in unison, 

"What made you think that Jungwon," he completely ignored other things and just came in front of Jungwon, I tried to leave to give them some privacy, but Jungwon held my hand tightly, thank God it's only three of us in the office as everyone is out for lunch, 



"Hyung, wh-when did you come," Jungwon asked, trying to change the subject, 

"Jungwon, I asked you something," Jay asked in a stern voice, 

"I have something to do, I-I will be back," Jungwon tried to leave when Jay held his wrist and forcefully took him into his cabin, Sunoo took a deep breath and went out to have some fresh air, 

Jay locked the door and looked at Jungwon, "Hyung what are you doing," 

"Jungwon please, I am begging you to stop testing my patience, I am not as good person as you think, so please just answer me," Jay asked in a desperate voice, 

"Hyung, I don't have any answer to give you," Jungwon said looking down, 

"Jungwon, I just heard you told Sunoo, that you like me, then why you are ignoring me like I don't exist," Jay raised his voice a little, 

Jungwon stayed silent, doesn't know what to say, "Speak something," Jay asked again, 

"I do like you, it's true, I liked you since the first day I came to this office, but-" Jungwon again paused, Jay came toward Jungwon and held his shoulders, 

"But what Jungwon," Jay asked in a rather calm voice, 

"I am not good enough for you, I don't deserve you," Jungwon said, a drop of tears streaming down his eyes, 

"Jungwon," Jay was shocked due to the sudden outburst, 

"You and I don't have any match, you are the vice president of this company, and I am just your employee, I can't be a good choice for you, you are such a kind person and have a luxurious life, while I am just a poor guy who had a debt on his head, who used to do part-time jobs to meet his daily expenses in college day, you should date someone more else more prettier than me, more rich than me, more-" Jungwon was stopped by Jay, 

"ENOUGH, Enough Jungwon, do you understand what you are saying, because I can't understand, tell me in which book or in which law it is mentioned, all the things you are saying are completely bullshit for me, I don't care about all these things you just mentioned, I only knew that I fall in love with you, everything related to you attracts me, I don't care if you are pretty like others or not, or you have money or not, I just care about you," Jay said, 

"Hyung, I am not special," Jungwon said looking into Jay's eyes, 

"Nor I am, I am also not special Jungwon, I am also like you a normal human," Jay said with sincerity, 

"You know, this is the first time I've fallen so hard on someone, I never felt like that before, even after confessing to you I kept feeling uneasy, but I tried to control my emotions because I didn't want to scare you, but please Jungwon, I can't control them anymore, it's getting harder for me," 

Jay suddenly stopped because of Jungwon's lips on his, he was completely shocked but kissed Jungwon back, more roughly, his hand stayed at Jungwon's waist while his grip got tighter, and his other hand in his hair, 

"I like you Hyung, this is my answer," Jungwon said smiling, Jay smiled too looking at Jungwon and hugging him tightly, 

"I like you too Jungwon, much more than you think," Jay said and started to place kisses all over Jungwon's face, making him all giggle. 


Hey guys!!

I hope you will like this chapter, please do vote and leave some comments, please kindly ignore my mistakes and show your love and support,

this may not be the best chapter I wrote but I still love this. 

thank you,


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