Our meeting

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All of a sudden Sekido's head gets  shot off and Karaku's head gets partially severed. "Genya!" Tanjiro says with suprise as he sees Genya on the roof with a shotgun and he rushes to the floor before pulling out his katana and he beheads Karaku. "No wait Genya! It wants you to behead them!" Y/n warns as she unsheathes her katana and gets into a fighting stance.

Sekido and Karaku heal instantly, and their old bodies become two new demons. Tanjiro gets grabbed by Urogi, who has an expression of Joy on his face. "It's been so long since I was last let out!" Uroji says with a joyful expression and he starst flying away with Tanjiro. Nezuko quickly rushes to help Tanjiro. "No Nezuko, stay back and help Genya!" Tanjiro says to Nezuko before he is taken away.

Y/n turns back to the other clones and sees Genya being attacked by a clone that weilds a Yari and has a dejected expression. Y/n freezes at the sight of Aizetsu and her eyes widen noticing how beautiful Aizetsu is, apart from the other clones. "Wow...how beautiful" Y/n mutters as she gazes at Aizetsu and Nezuko rushes to help Genya but Karaku grabs her and has her in his hold.

"Your so weak that it's almost sad really" Aizetsu says in a sorrowful tone as while he stabs his Yari inside Genya's stomach. Genya shoots Aizetsu's head off when he tries to pull his Yari out of Genya's stomach. "Aizetsu, What's taking so long!? Hurry up and kill him already" Sekido shouts at Aizetsu with an expression of rage.

 "I'm taking care of it so stop yelling" Aizetsu says after he regenerates his head instantly and he pulls out his Yari out of Genya's stomach and he strikes his Yari at Genya but he disappears from his spot only leaving a pool of blood from his stomach on the floor.

Genya reappears behind Aizetsu and he tries to slash Aizetsu's head with his katana in mid air but Sekido stabs his Khakkhara on the floor stunning Genya and he falls unconsious. "Genya!" Y/n says in a worried tone before she raises her katana. "Star Breathing, Third Form: Dead Star" Y/n mutters as she releases broad star-shaped slashes at Sekido and Aizetsu. Sekido and Aizetsu dodge the slashes and Y/n runs up to Aizetsu instantly before kicking him in his side but she has a look of worry on her face for Aizetsu.

Aizetsu flies into an empty room, a few distances away from everyone else but he quickly gets back up as Y/n rushes in his direction. "Let's see how strong you really are, Hashira" Aizetsu says in a sorrowful tone as he starts blocking some of Y/n's attacks. "We'll see" Y/n says as she blocks and returns some of Aizetsu's attacks. 

Y/n dodges another one of Aizetsu's attacks before raising her sword then she sees an opening and slashes at his neck but she stops when her katana is inches away from his neck. Should I really do this? He looks so sad... Y/n thinks while looking very hesitant. "Why aren't you cutting off my neck, Hashira?" Aizetsu asks with his usual sorrowful expression mixed with some confusion as to why Y/n won't try to cut off his neck.

To be continued...(617 words)


This is all you guys get today since I'm very tired and it is 11:46 PM in my timezone right now so enjoy this while I get some sleep and I'll start chapter 3 when I wake up since I finally have motivation again.

(615 words)

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