January 20, 2015

17 3 0

~ Song for the chapter: Everybody's Fool by Evancescense ~

Dear Journal,
Today was crazy.
I had no classes today. Why? Because they wanted me to talk to Josh some more so he has a friend here. No one has friends here. Everyone is too closed off and doesn't care, but since I was already 'talking' to him I had to be his friend.
I didn't have a problem with it though. He is nice to be around. His eyes sparkle no matter where we went or what we talked about. His hair liked to hang in his eyes but that didn't bother him. He even makes the stupid white uniforms look better.
I didn't really talk much, but he did. He talked about different things. His voice had a resembles to satin. It was deep but wasn't freaky.
We walked around the halls of this place with our Watchers walking a few feet behind us. It was only for about an hour but I learned so much about him. I almost brought up my eyes and what he thought about them but I didn't. I wanted to though, so badly.
I'll wait though. He might tell me next time we talk.
I really hope we talk again. I think we are friends. I hope we are friends.
I want to have a friend. I don't think I've ever had one.
Thanks for listening,

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