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Today was surgery day.

When Thalia's alarm went off, the blonde therapist immediately shut it off. She hadn't been able to sleep anyways. Alexia had also had a bad night. Because of her fixed leg, she couldn't be in the positions that she wanted to be in. She had been happy with the amount of painkillers that she was allowed to take.

She was ridden with thoughts and anxiety for her surgery. Because that was today. Even though it had only gone off for a second, Alexia had woken up from the sound and shot upright in their bed.

Thalia looked worriedly at her wife as she had suddenly shot up and let her take her time to orientate herself. Her hazel eyes looked down at Thalia's blue ones. The therapist and the athlete were the complete opposite of each other right now. Alexia was stressed and worried. Thalia was calm and collected.

"I- how did I end up in bed...? Again...? We fell asleep on the couch...?" The blonde therapist propped her upper body up by leaning on her elbows and looked at her wife. "Buenos Dias. I carried you upstairs last night." The therapist smiled gently at her wife whose eyes grew. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry."

Thalia raised an eyebrow. "Just what exactly are you sorry for?" Alexia finally let her upper body lay down on the soft mattress again, twisting her body so she could look at her wife, who also positioned herself on her side. The blonde's gaze was intense.

Alexia closed her eyes and connected her forehead with her wife's forehead, calming down slowly. "I'm sorry for having you worry so much over me and for causing you troubles." The blonde smiled and gently kissed Alexia's lips. "I always worry about you Ale. You're my wife. It's pretty much my duty to worry about you." Alexia opened her eyes and slowly leaned a bit back, studying her wife's feautures. "That may be the case, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't sleep."

Thalia was slightly taken back. "I- how do you know?" The athlete chuckled. "I've been waking up besides you for 5 years now Thal. I know it when you haven't slept. You always sleep bad when one of the players needs a surgery." The blonde groaned and got out of bed, her silk robe hugging her features. She came around the bed and stopped in front of Alexia, who raised her eyebrows at the blonde.

The therapist put her hands out for Alexia to help her stand up. "Come on, I think that you need a shower." Alexia chuckled. "Are you saying that I smell bad?" Thalia shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe." Alexia's mouth fell open, half offended by her wife. But then she remembered that she never took a shower after practice and after coming back from the hospital. The athlete sniffed her armpit and het face immediately contorted into disgust.

The athlete then took hold of her wife's hands, who immediately pulled her up and helped her get to the bathroom since Alexia wasn't allowed to put any pressure at all on her knee. When they got into the bathroom, Thalia looked around and realised something. She gently put Alexia down on the toilet and then rushed out, running downstairs where Nala was waiting. The therapist chuckled and patted the dog, giving her breakfast and filled her water bowl and then she grabbed a stool and ran back upstairs. She put the stool in the shower cabin. "Now you're good to go."

The blonde helped the athlete with removing the brace and the athlete's clothes, rendering the therapist speechless for a second because even after being married for 3 years and the 2 years of dating before that, and the blonde was still completely in trance of her wife. She pulled herself out of her thoughts when Alexia shivered and removed her own clothes. This made the athlete stare down at the Australian's body.

Thalia helped the athlete hop in the shower on her good leg and sat her down on the stool. They showered together and Thalia helped the Spanish woman with washing her body and hair.

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