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"Your sister and her husband have been in a serious car accident."

That one sentence echoed through Thalia's mind. Her throat suddenly dry, her face whitening. "I- what?"

"I'm sorry but your sister and husband have been in a serious car accident. They are being taken to surgery now. We need to ask your permission to perform CPR if that is needed."

"I- CPR?" Those three letter got the attention of Mapi, Ona and Alexia, 6 pairs of eyes turning to look at her in worry.

"I know that it's a difficult decision but we really need to operate on her right now. We need an answer."

Thalia was shocked and thought deep about an old conversation that she and her sister have had in the past. "Uhm, uh, yeah. You can perform CPR if it is necessary. Please, uh, just tell me how bad it is?"

"All we know is that it was a bad crash and they are both in critical condition. I'm sorry. I will call you again when there is more news."

"Okay. Gracias."

he call hung up and it took the blonde a couple of minutes to realize that he call had ended, slowly removing the phone from her ear. "What happened mi amor?"

Thalia's eyes were big and slowly shifted over the faces of her two best friends and her wife. "I- huh?"

Alexia gently grabbed her hand. "What happened? Who was that?"

Thalia wiped the sweat from her forehead. "You know what? I think that I will go for another gym session. I- It's hot in here. I will be back soon."

Thalia stood up to walk away, Alexia wanting to hold her wife back but Mapi shook her head. "Ona, please go after her."

Ona nodded her head and went after Thalia who was hallway down the hallway to the stairs. "Thalia. You're in shock. Tell me what happened, okay? Just tell me 5 things you can see."

Thalia stopped walking and looked around her. "I- uh. I can see you, I see a white wall, I see the door, I can see the stairs and I can see, uh, my wife."

"Alright, that's good. Now tell me 4 things you can touch."

Thalia thought for a second, reaching out. "I can touch you, I can touch the wall, I can touch this door and I can touch my arm."

Ona nodded her head. "Good. now tell me three things you can hear."

Thalia felt herself being pulled out of her panicked state and more into the real world as she started to focus on sounds. "I hear your voice... I can hear Alexia and Mapi and uh, I hear the sea."

"Very good, now tell me two things you can smell."

Thalia closed her eyes and sniffed. "I smell perfume and I can smell the salt from the sea."

"And lastly, tell me one thing you can taste."

Thalia focused on her mouth. "I taste blood."

Thalia blinked a few times. "Wait.. blood?"

 Thalia stopped entirely and brought her body back to reality, only now properly looking at the people in the room. She rubbed her face and saw her phone on the floor, Alexia and Mapi looking at her with concern and Ona standing besides her in worry but calmness. "What happened T?"

Thalia rubbed her face and sighed deeply. "If it's not my father suddenly showing up, it's my sister in America. I- No, sorry. That's totally wrong of me to say. Did you know that we used to talk all the time about how scary it would be if we would get into a car accident? We also sometimes tried to play that fear off with humor, talking about what kind of music would be playing if the paramedics and the police got on site. I- I-.... We never thought that it would happen to any one of us. I mean. Uh. It just couldn't. We are both so, so careful. And- and when mom died, I mean, it tore us slightly apart. I should have called her more. I should have been there for her. I mean, she's pregnant."

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