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When they got back to Barcelona, Jonatan and the girls all gave Thalia all the time she needed to slowly get back into work. While everyone told her to take a little bit longer to recover, the blonde refused and went back to work almost immediately. The only thing that really stood in her way was the fact that she couldn't carry her own bag since it was over the allowed 4 KG.

She also wasn't allowed to drive yet. Mapi was the savior who had offered to pick the blonde up from her house to drive them to practice and to get her home safely. The blonde gladly accepted the offer.

When her alarm went off in the morning, the blonde groaned. The evening before her and Alexia had gotten into an argument, the athlete hadn't agreed with the blonde's decision to return to work so quickly, wanting the blonde to take it easier but the blonde denied Alexia's request. She could take care of herself.

She woke up, turned her alarm off and slowly sat up, the wound across the length of her chest still hurting slightly. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom, brushing her hair and teeth, completing her daily routine.

She then went to the closet and got into the Barca kit that she had as staff and she then kissed Alexia softly on her forehead. The athlete stirred slightly but was still fast asleep.

The blonde smiled gently and then headed downstairs, giving Nala her breakfast and going for a quick walk around the house.

When she got back home, she was already out of breath. She leaned over the counter to try to relax, startling when she heard a light clearing of a throat behind her.

The blonde turned around and looked at Alexia who was in her pajamas, some short shorts and a tank top, her muscles showing.

Thalia's eyes started at Aexia's feet and slowly traveled up, meeting those hazel eyes. "Can we please not fight now? It's still early."

Alexia approached the blonde, pulling her in for a gentle hug. "I'm not here to fight, querida. I'm here to show my support. I love you. I only want you to return to your work when you're truly ready. If you think that that's now, then I'm not going to stop you. I just want you to take it easy. Okay?"

Thalia hugged the athlete back, almost crumbling in her arms. She pushed her face in Alexia's neck. "I will be careful. I will be joined by Pola today and for the rest of my own recovery. Shouldn't you still be asleep?"

They broke the hug and Alexia gently kissed the blonde's lips. "I didn't want you going into work thinking that I'm mad at you."

Thalia smiled and kissed Alexia again, her arms wrapped around Alexia's waist, Alexia's arms were wrapped around Thalia's neck.

They both felt every flex of each other's muscles, every single single touch, every single connection. Thalia's hands slipped underneath of Alexia's tank top, her hands resting on the athlete's sides. Alexia's hands went from resting behind Thalia's neck to the blonde's jaw and cheeks, gently holding her.

There was no intention of taking it further. They both needed this deep-rooted kiss.

The doorbell rang, pulling the two of them apart. Thalia looked at the window to see Mapi looking in, a big smile on her face as she waved happily.

Alexia flipped her off and Mapi pretended to be shocked, putting her hands above her heart, pretending to fall to the ground. Thalia laughed at the interaction, getting away from Alexia to go to the front door. "Oh, mi amor, can you grab my bag for me? Or do you want Mapi to enter our house?"

Alexia smiled and grabbed the bag, carrying it to the front door where Mapi greeted the two of them with a huge smile on her face.

"Look at my favorite couple! You could have at least dressed up for me Ale."

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