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At the end of the night Thalia was the only one who was sober, the rest of the company, including Jonatan, were drunk. They had the next day off and after that, they would focus again but tonight was a special night and everyone was allowed to party however they wanted.

Thalia was just chatting with everyone and making sure that everyone was okay when she was suddenly pushed on the dance floor. She was confused until she saw her tipsy wife standing in front of her, extending her hand.

"May I have this dance?"

Thalia smiled and took hold of the extended hand.

"Of course you may."

They danced together and as they danced, their surroundings disappeared, only them and the music that was flowing through their ears. The love that they had for each other shining in their eyes.

They couldn't dance all out because of Alexia's knee but Thalia was happy to see the progress that the brunette had made. At the end of the song the couple stayed in each other's embrace, their foreheads connected as they slowly swung from left to right.

Thalia's hands were wrapped around Alexia's shoulders, playing with the baby hairs at the nape of the athlete's neck.

"The new hair color looks good on you, mi amor."

"I'm happy that you like it querida."

The couple just smiled at each other, their moment dissipating when the next upbeat song sounded, the rest of their company joining the dance floor.

Thalia eventually left the dance floor to just look at everyone having fun. A single small smile on her lips as she looked at everything that she had. She was proud to be friends with all of them.

A new kind of smile got on her lips when she saw the other true OTP dancing and swaying together. Mapi and Ingrid truly looked happy together. Thalia quietly took out her phone and filmed them slow dancing with each other, sending the video to said couple afterwards so they had power on what to do with the video.

When Thalia's eyes roamed over the dance floor, she gasped when she saw Lucy and Ona slow dancing with each other.

Ona hadn't said jack-shit about that to her.

Thalia took a picture of them too, deciding to use this one to blackmail her best friend and then put her phone away, enjoying the rest of the night.

In the end, Thalia made sure that everyone got safely into a cab and then got herself and Alexia inside of the limousine that would bring them back to their house, when they got home, the both of them undressed and found their pillows quickly, just laying in each other's embrace. Alexia was tipsy but not drunk.

The athlete was big spooning the therapist and held her as close as possible, afraid that she would dissipate into thin air. She pushed her face in the blonde's hair, inhaling her smell. God, she had missed her blonde.

Quiet sobs racked through the athlete's body, making the blonde turn around in her lover's arms.

"¿Qué pasa?" (What's wrong?"

Thalia asked her in Spanish, knowing that the brunette would be more comfortable with talking in Spanish when she was emotional.

"No puedo perderte. Te echaba de menos." (I can't lose you. I missed you.)

"No voy a ninguna parte. Lo prometo." (I'm not going anywhere. I promise.)

Alexia nodded her head and Thalia gently kissed her lips, gently scratching Alexia's back to help her calm down and soon the both of them were fast asleep.

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