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I was sitting in the car, shotgun. my mom was driving me to school the first day of school I had my headphones on listening to Drake cuz my annoying mom listening to church music which i think is really weird cuz we never even go to church . Lol we rode up to the car rider line I noticed almost every girl was wearing a dress shoot not me I was wearing a black and grey baseball tee dark hollister jeans and my newest pair of black and white converse and my hair was straight .

I got out of the car and said bye to my mom . I walked into the school and went straight to the office for my schedule .

I was standing in the corner when I felt cold skinny hands cover my eyes I immediately knew it was weasel. I turned around and there he was with his amazing smile. I smile back . he stretches his hands out asking for a hug as I went in for the hug I pecked his lips "hey beautiful", he said as we both let go, "hey" I instantly smile and blushed.

"Can I see this ?", he asked referring to the schedule in my hand.
I nodded and handed it to him . he then reached into his pocket to get his schedule . he compared them . he quickly frowned and handed me my schedule . "what?" He looked up at me. "Oh nothing we just have two classes together" he said and put his head down. "Hey its better than no classes" he looked up and smiled causing me to smile as well . "your right" he said while still smiling. It started getting really hot as more and more people came in . "let's get out of here, its hot", I said. " sorry I'll try my best to cool down" weasel said and laughed I joined seconds later . "come on let's go" I said as I started walking towards the door pushing people gently so we can get by . as we got out I felt cool again . I was heading to the bench that was just outside . weasel ran and got the seat where I was gonna sit he sat down and laughed at me . I just rolled my eyes playfully and smiled . as I was gonna sit next to him . "KIMBERLY !?!" I heard Someone yell . the voice sounded familiar . but my mind couldn't figure out who it was . I looked up to see Eryn one of my best friends from last year . walking towards me with a big smile . I instantly smiled as I saw her . "OMG!! I thought you were never gonna talk to me". I said as I pulled her into a hug."no! I would never stop talking to you . its just my parents took my phone but I got it back!", she said as she help up her phone . "good about time" she laughed , I did too . she snatched my schedule from my hand causing me too get kinda scared . "OH MY LORD ! We have all classes together !""nah uh !? Really ?" I was surprised . me and her always got moved when we were together ."yes!" She said with a big smile . someone called her over .. "Well gotta go. Wait for me here we can walk to class together ?" . "sounds good".
She walked off . I turned back to weasel who was still waiting on me. I sat down close to him . " sorry babe I needed to get something done". I smiled he did too "it's alright" . "hey weasel ! Were gonna go skate before the bell . wanna come ?!" One of his friends yelled from across the hall. He looked over at me like he was asking for permission, "go ahead its okay I'll catch you later" he smiled kiss my forehead and skated off . my phone buzzed I got a text from my dad wishing me good luck . i texted back a thanks . as I was lurking through Instagram I heard my name . "Kimberly ?" I looked up as I saw Alondra . my used or is my best friend I don't even know anymore . she made a promise we weren't gonna drift away during the summer but she stopped answering my texts and calls so I quit . and haven't talked ever sense . "umm hey ?" She sat next to me as I put my phone in my butt pocket . "can we talk ?" She asked nervously . "yes of course" . " I'm sorry for breaking the promise when I said we weren't going to drift apart but we did I'm sorry for not answering your calls nor your text I just got mad or mostly jealous cuz of your snapchat of you being with eryn it just got to me so I figured you would forget about me." She said looking down the whole time . " um I don't know what to say but you said so yourself a promise is a promise I don't get why you get so jealous of me being with Eryn she's my best friend like you have other best friend and I told you and I always will tell you that me and you are always going to be together as best friends forever and always okay ?" . she looked relived when I told her that I guess she was glad I wasn't mad . "okay thanks for forgiving me" .she smiled . "no problem" . " um what's your schedule ?" I unfolded the piece of paper in my hand and read it to her . her smile got bigger and bigger as I said every class . "what?" I said laughing a bit. "We have all classes together" as soon as she said that I thought 'shit!' Eryn and Alondra don't like each other so they both hate when I talk to the other . its just hard . "that's good" I smiled . "well umm you wanna head to class ?" She asked . " well umm I kinda-" , "hey Kimberly you ready ?" She come up to us knowing alondra would get jealous . "yes umm , Alondra I kinda already promised" she looked at Eryn and Eryn just smiled the whole time . she rolled her eyes . and got up and when to a group of girls . I stood up and walked with Eryn to class " you think she got mad ?" She asked laughing a bit. "Yeah I'm pretty sure" .. We walked into class they were a few people there. We sat in the back . Eryn got the seat in front of me and I made sure no one sat in the seat next to me for Alondra . once Alondra entered we made eye contact and I showed her with my eyes to sit next to me and she does . then the teacher introduced herself . and made us take notes for her class . and we were done she dismissed us .. And went on to my next class and next . they were boring but sat next to Alondra and Eryn in each one of them and then those two classes with waesel were spent with him . me ditching my two friends and it was time for us to leave . my mom had texted me to see if I wanted her to pick me up but I said no and decided to walk home with weasel ❤ it was an awkward walk in silence . we kissed our good byes . and I went in to my house. " how was school honey ?" My mom asked me. "Great" I smiled. I ran up stairs and took a quick shower . and then changed into a grey oversized obey shirt and leggings and put on some socks and headed down stairs to eat dinner . we ate in silence . I got a text from Alondra once i started walking up the stairs to go to my room .

From Alondra ;
Wait for me in front of your house in the morning .

To Alondra ;
Alright (:

As soon as I know it I was knocked out .


So hey . I try to make these chapters long . but I feel they get boring . idk what to do . I hope you enjoy !

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