Chapter Five - Reconnecting Hearts

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Lisa's POV

"Thank you, Osaka for being part of tonight's experience! Until we meet again, take care and keep the magic alive!" I smiled towards the crowd and exited the stage.

"That was an amazing performance, Phoenix-san." Staff #1 said.

"You did great out there, Phoenix-san," Staff #2 smiled and handed me a towel.

"Thank you, I hope you enjoyed it as well," I replied and drank my water.

Today, I was asked to be an opening performance for their show. Which was alright, 'cause that was just it. I didn't have to be a guest or anything, so it was a win-win situation.

'Man, I should have made my last five months worthwhile because it has been non-stop work.' I thought to myself as I enter my dressing room.

'I wonder how Onee-chan is doing. It's been so long... I miss them all, but work has kept me so busy.' I sighed in front of the mirror, as I removed my accessories.

"You did great, Lisa." Jumin-san praised while he was on his tablet.

In case you didn't notice, whenever we're in private together he only calls me 'Lisa'. Outside it is either 'Phoenix' or 'Rose'.

"Thanks, Jumin-san. But, don't you think I deserve a little break?" I whined at him. "It's been non-stop performing, photo shoots, and interviews. I haven't even visited my family,"

He sighed, "I guess you are right. You'll need to reconnect with your family,"

"Really?! I can go and visit them?" My eyes twinkled.

"I guess you deserve the break,"

"Thank you, Jumin-san!"

- - - - - THE NEXT DAY - - - - -

'Should I bring this?' I thought as I have the guitar in my hands. I'm packing a few of my things. I turn to my right and saw that it was an old family photo album that Onee-chan made for made before I went on tour.

'Don't worry guys, I'm coming home.'

Third Person's POV

Inside the residence, Yusuke is found sitting in the living room, scrolling through his phone, looking thoughtful.

"I wonder what Lisa is up to these days," Yusuke muttered to himself.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Ukyo and Ema are preparing dinner.

"It's been so long since we've seen Lisa, I miss her," Ema uttered.

"I as well, Ema. I hope she is doing well," Ukyo replied. "How did she seem when you saw her Azusa?"

"She looks well. She lost weight, can't blame her because performing is what she does." Azusa replied.

Masaomi sighed, "Still, it's strange not having Lisa around. She used to bring so much energy to this place,"

*Ding, dong*

"Anyone ordered pizza?" Yusuke joked and walked towards the front door. When he opened the door, it revealed Lisa standing there with a bouquet.

"Surprise!" Lisa grinned.

"Lisa? Is that you?" Ema gasped with a shocked and tearful expression.

"Is it her?" Subaru asked as he peeked through the door.

"Oh my gosh! Onee-chan!" Wataru came rushing into Lisa's arms.

Soon followed the other brother and Ema. They all shared a tearful group hug. After that heartful and touching reunion, they all moved towards the living room.

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