Chapter Twenty-One - Absence

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A month had passed since the night Lisa saw Fuuto and Iori on TV, and not much had changed in terms of their communication with the family. They remained as elusive as ever, with no messages or calls to provide any updates. However, life at the Asahina residence carried on, marked by a sense of unity, even in their absence.

Lisa couldn't help but smile whenever she spotted Fuuto and Iori in magazines or on TV, knowing that they were right and pursuing their respective careers. FORTTE, the popular idol group that included Fuuto, was making headlines with their new album, and Lisa's stepbrothers continued to capture the hearts of their fans.

With a few days off from classes, Lisa was determined to make the most of her free time. She was excited about starting a new video game she had been eyeing for a while. The game had garnered a reputation for being notoriously difficult, and online comments only fueled her curiosity. One comment that caught her attention read, "The developers must be do-S!" She couldn't resist the challenge.

Lisa settled into her room, the familiar glow of her computer screen casting a soft, inviting light. The game's title screen displayed an intricate, fantasy world filled with lush landscapes and mysterious dungeons. The sense of adventure was palpable, and she was ready to embark on a new quest.

She took a deep breath, her fingers poised over the keyboard and mouse. With unwavering determination, she clicked the "New Game" button, eager to dive into the unknown. The game's opening cinematic unfolded, introducing her to a captivating storyline and beautifully designed characters.

As Lisa delved deeper into the game, she quickly discovered that the comments about its difficulty were no exaggeration. The challenges were relentless, the puzzles mind-boggling, and the enemies formidable. Yet, she welcomed each obstacle with open arms, her determination growing with every passing minute.

Lisa's excitement to play the challenging game was at its peak when, to her dismay, her TV abruptly stopped working. It was a frustrating, unexpected glitch that had something to do with the cable. Sighing in annoyance, she knew she had to find an alternative to continue her gaming session.

With her game saved and her laptop in hand, she decided to head up to the fifth floor, where she was sure to find an unoccupied TV. It was 11 p.m. on a weekday, and everyone in the Asahina family usually had their own routines and schedules.

As she reached the fifth floor, she was confident she'd have the place to herself. However, to her surprise, she found a room with its lights on. Lisa's curiosity got the best of her, and she approached the door cautiously, knocking gently to announce her presence.

From inside, an annoyed voice responded, "What do you want?"

Lisa recognized the voice immediately, and her surprise grew when she realized it was Fuuto on the other side of the door. She couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and unease.

"Fuuto?" Lisa asked, her voice slightly tentative.

For a moment, there was silence on the other side of the door. Then, Fuuto finally replied, "Yeah, it's me. What are you doing here?"

Lisa hesitated for a moment, her mind racing to find the right words. "I... I was going to play a game on the TV, mine stopped working. I thought this room would be empty at this hour."

Fuuto remained silent, but Lisa sensed that something was amiss. It was unusual for Fuuto to be at the Asahina residence, and it was clear he had come for a specific reason.

Finally, he broke the silence, his voice tinged with an undertone of tension. "I haven't returned home. I just came by to pick something up. It won't take long."

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