Chapter Seven - Sibling Moments

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In the cosy kitchen of the mansion, a warm Sunday afternoon paints the scene. I was engrossed in the art of cooking. Bowls of ingredients surround me, and my hands move with practised grace as I prepare a special lunch.

Although, it's just a small meal. Today, it's just me and Taru-kun at home. Everybody else has their own scheduled plans. So, it's just me and him planning to play a video game he keeps on bugging me that Natsume Onii-chan developed.

"Hmm, something smells good." I looked behind to find Fuuto-kun. Despite his cool and confident exterior, there's a hint of weariness in his eyes that contrasts with his signature swagger.

"Nee-san, I'm back. Starving," Fuuto sighed.

I turned to him with a smile, "Fuuto, back so soon?"

He grinned, "Yeah, I needed a break from all the craziness."

I smirked, "Craziness, huh? So, are you in the mood for something delicious?"

"You got it. I'm exhausted and famished," He grinned.

"Well, I did plan to meet Wataru, but -" I said amused.

"Come on, you two were just going to play games again, right? It's a bit embarrassing for someone your age," He interrupted playfully.

"Hey, it's a way to bond! I haven't seen him for a year and five months," I defended.

He then handed me a tastefully wrapped box. I looked at him confused, but he only showed a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

"Don't get too excited, alright?" He teased.

I eyed the box curiously before unwrapping it. Inside, I found an exquisite bottle of foreign perfume, elegantly crafted and carefully packaged.

My jaw dropped, "This is..."

"It's not available in Japan. Yours truly might become the brand's unofficial image model," he smirked.

"'Unofficial' image model?" I gawked.

He raised an eyebrow, "The contract hasn't been signed yet,"

He playfully drapes his tie around my neck, his demeanour turning more sincere.

"Cook something special for your beloved little brother. I'm about to spread my wings and explore the world," he said sincerely.

I gazed at Fuuto, a mixture of pride and nostalgia swirling in my eyes. "You've come such a long way, Fuuto."

"Well, there's still a long journey ahead." He smiled.

With those words, Fuuto turns to leave. Before he exits, he throws a final request over his shoulder. "Bring the food to my room, alright?"

I chuckled at his action but nodded anyway, watching his retreating figure with a gentle smile.

- - - - - SOME TIME LATER -  - - - -

Later, in the quiet haven of my room, I clutched Fuuto's tie in my hands. I chuckled to myself. It may seem that Fuuto is childish and all, but I remember the times when he would come to my room to talk.

Everybody, *cough* Yusuke *cough*, thinks that Fuuto is kind of selfish and a jerk. But he's a softy. I suddenly had a bright idea and grabbed my phone and dialled Taru-kun's number, who was just on the floor above mine studying.

"Hello, Lisa Nee-san!" He answered enthusiastically.

"Taru-kun, something has come up. Can you wait for a little while?" I

"Okay, I'll wait then." He replied, who sounded a bit disappointed.

I ended the call and delicately tucked Fuuto's tie into my pocket, a tangible reminder of the bond we share.

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