Chapter Twenty - Yes or No?

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It was a late night by the time Lisa had completed her testing of the game for Natsume. The hours had flown by as she delved into the game, uncovering and documenting any bugs or issues she encountered. Now, as she prepared to leave Natsume's company, the exhaustion was starting to catch up with her.

Natsume noticed Lisa's weariness and offered her a concerned look. "You look tired, Lisa. I hope I didn't keep you too late."

Lisa mustered a small smile, her enthusiasm for the project evident. "No, not at all, Onii-chan. I'm just happy to help with the game."

As they made their way to the exit, Natsume stopped for a moment, turning to Lisa with a question. "Lisa, do you have any plans for tomorrow night?"

Lisa paused, considering his question. Natsume seemed to notice her hesitation and quickly reassured her, "It's not a personal request, Lisa. It's related to work."

Lisa's expression relaxed, and she nodded in agreement. "Of course, Onii-chan. I'm more than willing to help with the game. What would you like me to do?"

Natsume explained the task at hand. "We need to work on fixing the bugs you encountered earlier. It's crucial to identify and address these issues before the game's release. It's a challenging task, but I believe we can handle it together."

As Natsume spoke about the importance of refining the game, Lisa couldn't help but admire his passion and dedication to his work. His commitment to ensuring a high-quality gaming experience for players resonated with her, and she felt a sense of satisfaction in assisting him.

With a genuine smile, she responded, "I'm glad to be a part of this, Onii-chan. Your determination to improve the game is inspiring. I'll be there tomorrow night, and we'll work on fixing those bugs together."

As Lisa left Natsume's company and made her way home, she couldn't help but reflect on the events of the evening. It seemed that both Yusuke and Azusa's initial worries about her interactions with Natsume had been unfounded.

Yusuke's concerns about her well-being and Azusa's protective nature stemmed from their love and care for her. However, Lisa had come to realize that her relationship with Natsume had evolved beyond the initial awkwardness, and they were now working together as a team.

As the clock struck 4 a.m., Natsume and Lisa had been tirelessly working on the game for hours, finally locating and resolving all the bugs that had plagued it. It had taken longer than they had anticipated, but the sense of accomplishment was undeniable. Lisa was relieved to be finished with her testing, and Natsume was grateful for her help.

They made their way back to the Asahina residence, the silent, early morning hours casting a serene, somewhat awkward atmosphere around them. Their steps echoed in the quiet streets, and it was Natsume who finally broke the silence.

"I have to admit, Lisa, I'm surprised," Natsume said softly, glancing at her as they walked. "You're doing so well,"

Lisa, a bit puzzled by his words, turned to face him. "What do you mean, Onii-chan? Why would I feel awkward with you?"

Natsume, unsure of how to explain, chose his words carefully. "Well, considering what happened last year, I just expected things to be a bit... different between us. I didn't think we could interact so naturally. You've moved on as well"

As they approached the entrance of the Asahina residence, Lisa suddenly turned to Natsume, her gaze locking onto his. "Who said I moved on?"

Natsume was taken aback, his eyes widening at her unexpected statement. He struggled to find words, but before he could respond, Lisa had already pressed the button for the elevator to her floor.

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