Chapter Fourteen - Reunion and Revelation

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Lisa and Fuuto stand in stunned silence, their faces reflecting the shock and disbelief of seeing Iori's advertisement on the massive electronic billboard in the heart of Shibuya. The realization that their long-lost brother has returned, and not just that, but as a prominent and captivating figure, leaves them both shell-shocked.

"I can't believe this..." Fuuto uttered, still in disbelief.

"It's Iori. After all this time..." Lisa said, feeling overwhelmed.

As the bustling city life of Shibuya carries on around them, they exchange glances filled with a complex mix of emotions—surprise, confusion, and a hint of bitterness for Fuuto, who had missed out on the advertisement opportunity himself.

"I didn't even get the advertisement..." Fuuto bitterly said.

Despite the shock and the sudden upheaval of emotions, they know they need to process this revelation. Fuuto, with a sense of determination, makes a decision.

"I'm going to my office. I need answers," Fuuto resolutely said.

Lisa nodded, "And I'll head home. Let's meet later and figure this out together with the others,"

They part ways, each with their own set of questions and emotions, bound by the unexpected return of their brother, Iori, and the mysteries surrounding his reappearance in their lives.

Lisa returns home, still mulling over the recent revelation about Iori's return. As she enters the living room, she finds Louis, who has prepared a comforting cup of hot chocolate for her.

"Hey, Sa-chii. I thought you might need this," Louis smiled warmly.

Lisa appreciates the gesture and takes a seat beside her older brother. She cradles the warm cup in her hands, letting the aroma fill the room. "Thanks, Onii-chan. You always know how to make things better,"

Louis smiles and then leans in, looking serious. "I wanted to talk to you about something important."

Lisa, intrigued and slightly anxious, gives him her full attention. "What is it, about?

Louis takes a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. "I've been trying to reach Iori. That's what my recent calls were about,"

Lisa's eyes widen, and her worry deepens. She wants to know more about the story.

"I-Iori... What did he say?"

Louis chooses his words carefully, wanting to reassure Lisa. "The thing is, none of the other brothers know what happened with Iori at Christmas, or even about him... well, you know, strangling Kana-nii two years ago. So, they're all left wondering what's going on and why he left,"

Lisa's heartaches, knowing that her brothers are in the dark about the family's secrets. "It's so complicated, Onii-chan. I never wanted to cause any trouble,"

Louis places a comforting hand on Lisa's shoulder, his eyes filled with understanding. "Sa-chii, it's not your fault. You were put in a difficult situation, and you made choices based on what you believed was right. We all have our share of family complexities, and we'll work through them together."

Lisa finds solace in Louis' words, grateful for his unwavering support during challenging times.

Lisa was teary-eyed, "Thank you, Onii-chan. I just hope we can find a way to bring Iori Onii-chan back and heal our family,"

Louis nods, his determination clear. "We will, Sa-chii. We'll figure this out together,"

As they sit together in the warm embrace of family, Lisa and Louis know that they will face whatever challenges lie ahead with unwavering support for each other and their brothers.

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