Chapter 51- coldness

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"Please use a different street due to an accident happening-," it resounded from the radio.

"Well... If you had told us this an hour ago, we would actually have done it," Oli sighed, who was now driving. It was already the fourth traffic jam.

Louis decided not to think about crazy words with different meanings and to report to his dom instead. After all, without traffic jams, they would actually have to arrive right now.

So he wrote: Hey. What are you doing? Just wanted to say that we are stuck in traffic. Again. It all takes forever...

The answer came almost immediately:

Hey. Oh crap. I'm with Liam and Niall. They look forward to seeing you again soon. Continue to drive carefully. If there is anything, or I should come, let me know. Tell Stan and Oli that there will be pizza later. H

Louis grinned, he had no idea why Harry always wrote the H under it on WhatsApp. But somehow it belonged to Harry like the dimples. Niall and Liam... Louis thought they were nice. But he was a little afraid of Liam. Nevertheless, he had no objection to a reunion. He really liked that Harry took him to his best friends.

Sighing, he looked forward on the road. Or better on the truck that still stood in front of them like a wall.

It was strange to go to a place where you didn't really want to go. After all, the weather adapted. There were darker clouds and it had refreshed properly.

He had informed his mother yesterday that he would pick up his things today. She had read it, but he had not received an answer. But he had a front door key. He would also come in if no one were there. Did you have to hand it over when you took your last things with you?

With the thought of where he was actually going, the traffic jam was over far too quickly. So it seemed like a glance to Louis until the car stopped. In front of his parents' house, when the cloud cover just opened and the first drops fell to the ground. Louis swallowed.

"Where did you get such a car?!"

"Hello George. This is a rental car," Louis murmured and wanted to squeeze past his brother into the house.

"Where from?"

"From a company that rents cars?!" Louis asked back annoyed.

Stan and Oli were still standing in front of the house on the stairs and watched the so unequal twins.

"Mum! Dad! Louis is here!"

Louis just rolled his eyes and waved his two friends to him, while George disappeared somewhere in the house.

"Hi," Louis greeted his parents uncertainly, who were sitting on the sofa.

"Oh hi," it just came. No look. They just kept looking at the TV.

"Um... I'll take my things with Stan and Oli now."

"Do that," it came back.

Louis left the living room without being seen. In the truest sense of the word.

"Well, come on. We hurry," Stan mumbled at Louis' look when he came back into the hallway. Louis froze. It was cold here. Always. Even if no heating and no stove in the world could do anything against this cold.

"Yes," he just muttered to his friend and together they went up the stairs.

Louis once shot the tears in his eyes when he saw his room.

Due to the fact that the furniture was already gone, his things were all on the floor. Well, great...

Louis was not a decent person. But he didn't just mess everything up and stirred it up once. Because that's what it looked like here.

A bit as if a burglar had stolen the furniture and simply tipped the contents into the room, Stan thought. A grim smile crept onto his lips. There had been burglars in this room. Only they just had a front door key.

Now the probably former resident stood stunned in front of it.

"Well, come on. We'll just hurry up," Stan then murmured.

After all, some boxes were already there. Probably for transport to the boiler room.

So Stan and Oli just got to work. Louis needed another moment.

"Where is my car?" he then asked, disturbed.

"Uh... You don't have one?" Oli asked carefully.

"No. Not a real one. The Ferrari. Who was always on the shelf."

"Uh... I don't know... But he's not here," Stan muttered unwell and lifted up a ski jacket. Louis wouldn't fit in in life.

"Let's just pack everything. Then you can look at home in peace," Oli decided and held up a pair of shoes where Louis' feet would have to fit in twice.

They cleared up for quite a while when George appeared in the door.

"Do you really want to take all this with you?" he just asked irritated.

"Yes, I'll look through in peace when else."

"Hm... The majority can also go away. That's just useless stuff."

"Thank you for your professional opinion. But I'll decide for myself," Louis hissed and wanted to close the door in front of George's nose when he just went into the room.

"What do you want?" Louis asked.

"It's my room. I'm allowed to be here."

"Don't you have to annoy someone else?"

"Don't be so cheeky."

"Don't be so annoying."

The twins were slowly getting louder.

"Louis! Stop arguing!" the angry voice shouted his mother from below.

"Say George-"

"No! When you're here, it's never calm. Otherwise it is," the mother just shouted.

"Wow! What a reassuring realization that George does not argue with himself," Oli laughed.

"Where did you get the car?" George asked again, while Louis had turned around and continued to pack. He just wanted to get out of here.

"Oh my God. It's a rental car," Stan hummed.

"I didn't talk to you. Say it, Louis."

"What do you want to hear? It's a rental car. He still has to go back today. That's why it would be nice if you just left. Then you have your room for yourself quickly," sighed resignedly.

Oli and Stan suppressed the urge to stand in front of him. It was always like that. Everywhere the big mouth, cheeky sayings and so on. Only not with his family. He couldn't do it there.

"Come eat, George!" shouted the voice of Louis' father.

George left.

And Louis stood there.

"Oh, we'll eat together later, yes?" Oli asked as enthusiastically as possible.

"Um... Harry wrote that there is pizza for everyone."

"Oh, cool."

After all, everything was packed in boxes. Louis thought he had everything. Only the Ferrari disappeared. Or had he already taken him with him when he actually moved out? He didn't know.

They set out to carry the boxes down in threes and somehow it went quickly. Scary fast. Louis knew that he could never live here again. Even if he wanted to.

"I'm done. Bye then," he murmured and stood in the kitchen door. They sat together. A family. Only he stood frozen, bubbling us wet in the door. A foreign body. A troublemaker. Unwanted. Always.

"Take care. You can put the key on the chest of drawers."

BDSM (Larry)- English translationWhere stories live. Discover now