Chapter 11- Doctors appointment

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"Hello. I'm Louis Tomlinson. I have an appointment with Harry Styles and Dr Scott," a slightly pale Louis said nervously. After all, he was there. That's what's important. And just on time. Pah, Mr. Styles should probably cut off a slice of it. Because he was nowhere to be seen. Louis didn't really have to hurry. He had already finished work at noon and had slept and beat the time to death. Very successful. Finally, he had to rush a lot to be on time.

"Hello, Louis. Come right through. The two are already in the room the second door on the left."

Okay, the dear Mr Styles probably didn't have to cut a slice after all. The little bit of triumph ran away screaming when Louis entered the said room.

It looked more like an office than a classic treatment room. There were pictures hanging on brown walls, a massive wall unit with books and the matching desk dominated the room.

The two men interrupted their conversation and looked at him.

"Um... Hello?" Louis asked. Harry looked at his watch and nodded to Louis with a smile before he greeted him first.

They filled out stuff for the patient records and the two specialists talked about something that Louis neither wanted nor could concentrate on.

At some point he was sitting on Harry's lap. Without a shirt. He had just been tapped and didn't really know how he got here. Somehow he had been measured. When the doctor briefly left the room, Louis had asked if you needed a minimum height to have sex with Harry. He had laughed and said that if Louis saw the doctor after nine years again, you could simply include such a standard.

Now he squatted here and the conversation of the two men only stalled briefly so that Dr Scott could listen to Louis. Huh? Haven't they already done that? However, they continued to chat cheerfully afterwards. The chat was probably about a conference from two years ago at which a colleague must have been very stupid. At least the two doctors laughed. Louis just didn't understand the joke.

At some point he leaned on Harry. The chatter made him somehow sleepy and somehow his concentration and thus his fear and nervousness was gone. Right now he felt more like in a sci-fi movie where he had missed the first half hour and therefore simply had absolutely no plan what it was about.

Dr Scott just took his arm. He had already measured his blood pressure. Now he found Louis's crook of his arm seemingly more exciting. Louis wanted to look, but Harry stroked his hair and Louis liked it.

What???? It poking. Ey!

Louis wanted to move immediately when Harry suddenly spoke very clearly through the previous fog: "Shut up for a moment. It's almost over." And somehow Louis wanted to obey. He was completely tense. But somehow it didn't really bother anyone and shortly afterwards he was needle-free again.

" peas and carrots. Yes, I like them too. Fennel is not my favorite. Oh man, the neighbor always starts mowing the lawn at seven in the evening. The little Hex comes early at six in the morning," said Dr Scott.

Louis pulled his eyebrows together. Huh?! What were they talking about, please?

"I like fennel better in tea than as vegetables. I think he noticed," Harry smiled and kissed Louis' temple.

Finally, they were sitting in the car. The result would come in four days. Louis was angry. He wanted to fuck already. No. First he wanted to sleep. He felt completely done.

"You did well," Harry suddenly said after he had checked Louis' seat belt again with a quick look and now drove off.

"That was the strangest doctor's visit I've ever had," Louis murmured, squeezing the wound plaster on his arm.

"Yes, that was the plan."


"We only talked seriously for ten minutes after you were there. Again and again, James tried to take blood from you. But your veins are rolling away. That's classic when you get too cramped. So we chatted, he tried all sorts of stuff with you. Until it worked out and lo and behold - it's all done."

"But why?"

"I told him that you were afraid of injections and asked him to do so. Usually, a lot of it is done by an assistant. For good reason. He measured your blood pressure three times because he couldn't do it right."

"Oh," Louis Breathed. He was kind of embarrassed.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. Such an effort..."

"It is justified. Nobody likes to be afraid of something. I will never leave you alone in such situations, no matter when and how they arise, and always try everything to make you feel as good as possible. And if you then waffle with the doctor for almost an hour and a half about the preparation of food, then that's perfectly fine."

"Um... Thank you... Sir," Louis murmured and simply felt beaten up because of the duration.

"Always gladly," Harry smiled.

Louis leaned his head against the window. He still had no idea if he would really like this BDSM stuff. But he knew that he definitely liked having Harry with him. He protected him, he made circumstances for Louis to feel better and even in front of a friend he had not been embarrassed because of this. And somehow Louis felt it. He didn't have to be afraid while Harry was there. Because he would protect him. And if something were too much for him, he would have his safewords. Maybe this could be a super cool thing.

Harry, meanwhile, smiled relieved and satisfied. He liked James. Always. And he knew he was a damn good doctor. He had called him directly this morning and asked him to take a lot of time for them. He had asked for exactly this procedure.

For most patients, the actual fear triggered the setting. The helplessness, the doctor who stands bent over you, the clinical space, the words like, "that's not bad" and so on. Harry had therefore offered Louis a perfect alternative. That was elaborate. But it had worked perfectly.

In addition, Harry had noticed that Louis reacted very closely to his body. During the conversation about the needles yesterday, for example, he had spoken more freely when Harry had stood closer to him. Harry thought it was very good that Louis reacted to it that way.

But if he had told him flatly at the doctor to sit on his lap, he might have felt like a toddler. Would have felt smaller than necessary and that was definitely not the goal. So it had taken forever, but Louis hadn't thought about it at all.

He would send James a good wine as a thank you.

Louis had confidence and had not been disappointed. Harry was very satisfied.

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