Chapter 54- Home

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On their way home their radio report three more traffic jams. Louis slept the whole time, but the other two didn't resent him. You could roughly imagine what a burden had fallen from Louis' shoulders because the matter was done.

At some point they actually arrived.

"Um... What do we do now? Harry said that we don't have to be afraid of him, but..."

"Uh... Go ahead."

"Pfft... Go ahead."

"Louis!" Both decided at the same time.

"Lou, we're here. Come on. You can go ahead," Stan awakened his buddy.

"Weathed?" he hummed uncooperatively.

"Yes... Nevertheless. You can't sleep in the car. Come on. You have to ring the bell."


"If you don't drive a car, you have to ring the bell."

"Huh? Since when?" Louis asked, but actually got out of the car.

"Why ring the bell? I live here. I have a key."

"Yes, then open up. Always in there."

Louis thought his buddies were funny. But it doesn't matter.

So he opened the door with the key and entered.

He didn't make it three steps into the house before Harry hurried up and pulled him into his arms.

"Hey. I'm glad you're back," he murmured.

"Nice to be back home," Louis sighed with relief.

This blowing and kissing that a loving mother gave her child when they had fallen had no medical effect. But it had one for the soul. That's exactly how Louis Harry's hugs were: balm for the soul.

"Uh... We have to go to the toilet," Stan stammered with a lowered look.

"Together?" Louis asked irritated.


"Heaven, I hate that word," Harry mumbled. Somehow it was fun to scare Stan and Oli.

"Me first," Oli squeaked and disappeared in the bathroom.

Stan stood there. The view is still lowered. As a result, Louis' facial expression escaped him, who was confused but still amused, and Harry's, who was just amused.

"Stan? You are allowed to make eye contact," Louis laughed half softly.

"Um... Uh..." he stammered and tore his head up.

"Such sentences have no place in your mouth," Harry hummed. Sure, they had excluded Louis' friends. But the fact that Louis said something like that still didn't work. Whether it's fun or serious.

"Excuse me, sir."

Nanu? Had Louis completely forgotten his poor friend from the role? Apart from that, they were still in the break.

"You can," Oli murmured and stood next to Stan.

"Don't have to anymore," he murmured and watched as Harry grabbed Louis in the neck and kissed him.

Okay shit. He should not incorporate his buddy and his lover into his jerking off fantasies. No. He shouldn't.

"Sit down. Pizza is almost ready," Harry smiled, breathed Louis another kiss on the tip of his nose and went into the kitchen. Louis would have liked to rush after. He wanted to stay as close to Harry as he could. But he didn't want to embarrass his friends. That's why he went with them, as instructed, into the living room.

There was something on the sofa that Louis hadn't seen for a long time: The book Harry had borrowed from Liam. The one with the black cover.

Louis sat down and took it in his hand. He was too interested in what kind of book it was. There was just nothing on it and there was no bookmark anywhere.

Since Stan somehow looked like he had to process something and Oli had his cell phone in his hand, he just opened the book somewhere.

Oh. Ooooh. Ooooh. That was not a story. Not a novel. Not a crime thriller. It was a catalog. A catalog for... More specific things. "spreading bars," stood on the side that Louis had opened. Oh.

Okay. It was obviously a cursed book. Or rather a catalog. In any case, the thing was cursed. Apparently you couldn't put it down. Louis almost automatically flipped around in it.

Wellness loungers sounded great. Didn't he want something for the one corner in the playroom? Wellness lounger sounded - oh Fook. Wellness lounger?! The thing that stood out of there was probably about as big as the thing of a horse.

Unscrewable. Okay. So with a thing that wasn't that big... Louis took his cell phone and just photographed the thing. He had somehow completely ignored his buddies. The sexy lingerie was chic. So far, he had nothing to do with something like that, but he could imagine wearing something like that for Harry...

He continued to leaf through. A dilator... What do you think -

"Oh shit!" it came over his lips.

"What?" Stan asked who was sitting next to him.

"Do you see that? That's there so you can put it on the dick."

"Oh shit."

"I'll tell you!"

"Uh... So if I were you, I would never do anything wrong again."


"What is that?"

"A penis plug," Louis murmured in shock. He just got a little scared.

Suddenly Harry reappeared and saw a pale Louis with the catalog in his hand. He grinned and pulled out his little Louis-was-bad-book.

He became a little paler and closed the catalog noisily before pushing it far away.

Stan looked like he urgently wanted to get on his knees in front of someone. And Oli played Candy Crush on his mobile phone.

"Here. Enjoy it," Harry smiled and put not only pizza, but also beer in front of Stan and Oli. Louis got cola. He didn't complain. Of course not.

The pizza was homemade and delicious.

Louis sat very close to Harry and listened rather moderately to the conversation. He sat here with three people. The people who meant the most to him. He felt comfortable. He was welcome and they all belonged to his life in a special way. They were far more than anything else. Louis was happy to have her. Every single one of them. He was not alone. Even if no one was with him, he would never be lonely.

Harry smiled.. With Stan and Oli, if they were not looking at him, you could have a good time with them, how frightened deer the barrel of the hunting rifle.

But he also noticed that his little one was completely absent.

That's why he finally accompanied the best friends of his sub to the door and said goodbye to them when the taxi was there. He would have driven them himself, but he only wanted and should now stay with Louis.

Harry stood in the kitchen and put the plates in the dishwasher when it rang again.

"I'm going," Louis decided and went to the door. But no one was standing in front of it. Huh?

And then his gaze slid to the ground and he wanted to cry.

"Take Me Home" was written on a small piece of paper. He was tied to a very special object: Louis smiled when he lifted up his Ferrari.

BDSM (Larry)- English translationWhere stories live. Discover now