10. sportsclips?!

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you'd spent the whole morning trying to prevent blake from calling sportsclips for a hair appointment. "no, yumi! and also do not forget about what they did to your hair last time-" "it's gonna be a different location mim, just a trim! c'mon dude." you were adamant that he was not getting a hair cut.

that unspeakable day he returned from sportsclips and you were sitting around the kitchen island with the rest of the group. you remember the force blake had used to slam the front door, and as soon as he emerged to the kitchen, you and isaac looked at each other.

"oh, yumi. they- they." you search for words frantically- for something you can say that'll make him feel better, but no. your mouth just freezes. "wow, dude. they really fucked you up. big time." nick said, trying not to laugh.

"i know and i- i even gave her a tip! i- four different fucking people cut my hair today. do you know how many people i watched come and go while i just sat there in the same. fucking. chair?!" blake screamed, making his way to stand next to you.

you reach up to soothe him, rubbing his back. nick proposes a solution, and you remember the way despite how angry blake was, he still called shotgun. you guys had gotten slushies after going to the sallys.

blake had sipped yours; blue raspberry and the fact that you let him do that without questioning his hair cut made him realise that you maybe did love him, whatever his haircut was. that also proved it to you.

"no. let's just leave it at this length and then i'll trim it for you when it gets longer.. deal?" you smile wickedly as you held your hand out for him to shake it. he rolls his eyes at you but takes your hand. he's sitting on his desk chair, and it was a stupid thing to put your hand out in hindsight.

now he's yanking your hand to the point where you land on top of him with a huff. "you're the most annoying person ever, blake." you say, purposefully looking at his collarbones peeking out of his cream coloured tee to avoid looking at his stupid face.

you guys dyed that one strand of hair a really pretty teal colour, "y'know, i'm really surprised by how that piece of fucking hair still hasn't fallen out." isaac had once said when it was a polar blonde. you guys had agreed. blake wraps his arms around your hips, "nah, you don't mean that, mim." he says with a smirk.

oh, how much you'd pay for the ground to swallow you up. say yes to heaven plays in the background of his room, and it's annoying cause it's almost like he had orchestrated the entire ordeal. before you know it, he's pulling you up, into his lap.

"jus' so i can get a better look at you." he says, smiling as he puts his headset on to play another round of siege. you fight the butterflies that threat to erupt in your heart.

"i think isaac poisoned that iced tea he gave you this morning- and also, when have you ever drank iced tea?" you say, looking into his eyes, mentally cheering yourself on.

"i don't know, i think after you made it for me and isaac, we may have fallen in love with it." he shrugs, picking up his controller. you hum in response as you hug into him.

now, blake would be lying if he said that his heart wasn't pounding at you in his lap, but he blamed the reasoning on how you would help him focus. which wasn't entirely false, right?

so, you sit in his lap until the sun goes down, listening to the small snippets of his voice that bleed through his headphones. he was still editing the rest of the album and needed to record your second favourite – blacktop.


you'd never tell blake this, but something about his voice- especially when it was in a song, made you unhinged. crazy, feral. made you feel like not only did you need to scream the lyrics at the top of your lungs, you also wanted to just admire how genuinely – hot he is.

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