12. busketbull

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you slam the door of your smart car, "larry, you absolute mother fucker! i can't believe the shit you pulled yesterday. you're outrageous. i can-" he puts a hand on his chest in shock. "what? me? i never-" "oh! you stinky fucker! i know you did, i know you way too well!" you scream to one of your best friends.

"okay, fine! it had to be done though, mim! you can't live your life being afraid of stupid things- at least now you and yumi can be together without having to worry about stepping on anybodys toes!" he yells back. you rest your head on the steering wheel and let out a fat sigh.

"but- larry. i wasn't- i'm not ready yet- to tell him i just don't know where to begin with all of it. i don't want to hurt anyone and i didn't even realise isaac was hurt- i just. you're so stupid! why do you never think things through?!" you mumble off, searching for stable conclusions and words in your head.

"you cheeky mother fucker, i do think! but, i'm sorry mim. i thought that blake was all you've ever wanted, though? like, you have nothing to be afraid of. that's your man, pookie. no question about it." larry says, rubbing the centre of your back.

"no- no, he is. i love him so much, i just- he's gonna be confused for as to why i've never said anything, why i've never made an effort to show him. and isaac too. i don't want to lose isaac." "oh, baby. i'm sorry. whatever happens, we'll figure it out. i promise."

"estás segura?" "por cierto."

at that you pull yourself up, making your way to taco bell for a sorry meal from larry. they always banged, and they were even better because you never had to pay for them. you guys spent the afternoon driving around, talking about everything and nothing.

"y'know mi, it's so funny how you've become my best friend. i could always be his replacement, y'know?" he does that stupid lip biting thing and you flick his forehead. "you're a close third, larry. but i love you. and you're a great friend. except for when you stir shit." he cracks a smile as you guys walk into target.

"oh, you know? we should get those beads. make necklaces on stream for everybody- that'd be so cute, mim!" larry skips to the beads, and you follow closely behind with the cart. you made a point of also getting a tub of ben and jerrys and a new pool floatie.

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the sun starts to disappear behind the steady guild of clouds that cascade the purple sky. the rain was coming, and that was enough to distract the concept of your best friend- who must have some gist of the fact that you love him, waiting for you.

"hey, hey. don't be so afraid, mimu." larry had said as he kissed your forehead. you hummed in response. you'd try. as you arrived home, larry made a joke which made you laugh loud enough for the sensor lights to erupt.

larry leads the way inside, "oh wow, pizza again?! we're so winning." isaac had exclaimed, rubbing his hands together. you were still trying to hide behind larry. "yeah, and we're also going to pass away from lack of vegetables, is. ever consider that?" blake says.

then he sees you. your stomach drops and the feeling is mutual. "shut up, sportsclips. don't eat it if you want to go and eat some grass, be my guest!" larry says, flipping him off. blake throws his arms up in defense. he hadn't even smiled at you yet.

you anxiously stretch, feeling the clicks of your knuckles and grabbing a slice of pizza. you'd picked all of the pineapple and put it on isaacs other slice. "oh, thanks, mim." "you're welcome. larry was stupid enough to only order hawaiian." you chew as you roll your eyes.

a tiny part of you wondered what went wrong during the hours you were away. you drummed your fingers on the counter top, running to a conclusion you didn't know the destination of.

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