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Missing In Action.


Echo's POV:

Waking up was a struggle. My muscles were sore from practice, well from restarting practice.

I knew I should've trained during the summer.

After sitting in bed for a few moments, I got up. I went to the bathroom and took a shower loosening my muscles.

Just what I needed.

After much relaxing, I got out of the shower. Walking into my closet, I grabbed a creamy white blouse with a pair of black shorts. Then I grabbed a pair of beige and black lace heels. I walked over to my bed and changed after putting on my undergarments. Before I put on my heels, I grabbed a pair of red and black socks.

Okay. Makeup and hair.

I walked over to my dresser and took in my messy blonde hair. I combed the nest and picked out a black beanie. I have so many. I did my usual makeup, except I used a light red matte lipstick for today.

Something has to match my socks.

I grabbed my black bag and my leather jacket, finally departing my room. Walking down the steps I didn't smell coffee which was strange.

"Mom?" I called setting my bag on a stool.

No answer.

I walked into the kitchen noticing a note on the counter.


I'm going to be gone for a few weeks for a work trip. Tell the girls to come over and have one of the parentals stay! Be good honey.


I rolled my eyes crumbling the note.

"Of course." I sighed sitting at the stool. "Never fudging tell me anything."

I grabbed my keys from the jar near the door and walked out of my house.

See my mom is what you would call an MIA parent. A parent that is usually mossing and can't be found. That's my mom. She usually goes off on these random business trips without warning. She just ups and goes.

I usually don't know how to feel about it. Indifferent perhaps. But my mom Jason to pay for the house somehow and this is just how she does it.

"Sweetpea." Mr. Hera said as I walked into the house. "You're here early."

I nodded and dropped the keys on the counter in front of him.

"Again? Thais the second time in two months." He said with wide eyes.

"Is it anything new?" I asked sighing.

He shook his head, "I guess not."

"Can you stay with me until then she returns from the mysterious underworld?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry Sweetpea. As intriguing as that sounds, I have to watch Layla and then go to work." Mr. H. responded. "But I think Eryn might be able to. Take Ava too. Have a girls month."

I chuckled and nodded, "That could work."

"What could work?" Eryn asked walking into the room with Layla in her arms.

"Do you think you and Ava could stay with me for a couple weeks?" I asked twirling the keys on my finger.

"She's in Atlantis again?" Eryn asked grabbing the keys from me, already knowing the drill.

"Yeah. Nothing I can do, right?" I sighed shrugging.

"I'm sorry Echo. But hey we'll have an awesome time! Just the girls." Eryn said excitedly.

"Yeah." I agreed smiling. "I'm going to go wake the beast."

"Have fun beauty." Mr. H. waved chuckling.

"That's another word for it."

I walked up the steps to Ava's room and opened the door. Snoring sounded through the room. I sighed.

"Ava! Oh my gosh Ava! Help! The house is on fire!!" I screeched jumping on her bed.

She glanced up at me and groaned, "Shut the H. E. Double hockey sticks up Echo. It's too early in the morning for your crap."

I stopped jumping, sitting cross cross on her bed.

"Be rude, why don't you."

"Leave." She groaned.

"See now if I did, I wouldn't be a good best friend." I said smirking and poking her.

"Jesus! Must you poke me." She grumbled getting out of bed.

"Well if I didn't you'd still be in this bed so I think so." I said shrugging and walking into her closet.

"Just pick clothing!" She yelled, mouth full of toothpaste.

"That's disgusting." I grumbled looking through her clothes.

I grabbed a black half sleeved crop top that said what? on the front. Then I paired that with a pair of white polka dotted pants and black pumps.

"Here." I said handing her the clothes.

"Ooh...good choice." She said smiling and changing.

"Ava my mom's MIA again. So your dad said that you and Eryn will stay over for a few weeks." I casually said picking through her bags finding her yellow clutch tote.

"What!?!" She yelled from her closet rushing out. "Why Eryn?"

"Your dad has to work. And just saying it's about time we had a couple weeks with her. She's your mom now Ava." I said handing her the bag.

She glared at me snatching it from my hands, "She's not my mother. Don't say that."

"Ava. Do you realize how selfish you're acting. Sure she's not your mom and I know she can never replace her. But give her a chance for her to be there for you. She's not trying to replace Anna. She could never. She's just trying to be there." I said glaring back at her. "Be happy you have another mom. A woman who's actually trying to be there for you."

"Echo-" Ava started while she grabbed her jacket, but I stopped her.

"Let's just go." I whispered walking out of her room.


Sorry this one was so short.

Outfit minus the leather jacket.

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Song for the chapter: Heartbreak Song; Kelly Clarkson

Grace ♬

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