Chapter 2

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Lisa couldn't fall asleep knowing all that had happened earlier. So instead, she'd been spending a majority of her night with music blaring through her headphones as she lay on her back, Staring up at ceiling and trying to block out her thoughts. It didn't help much though.

She couldn't help but wonder what Jennie had been thinking. Jennie had made all of their lives a living hell for four years, how'd she expect them to be anything but bitter towards her? Lisa had so many built up emotions towards the younger girl that she was surprised that she hadn't connected her fist with her face as soon as she saw her standing in their doorway.

But there had been a change in Jennie, too. Lisa tried to continue telling herself that Jennie was just stoned out of her mind, but that wasn't a good enough explanation for everything that had been going on. There was something else contributing to this change in the girl, and Lisa wished she could figure out what it was just to feed her curiosity.

Back in high school, everyone knew Jennie's name. She was the girl you either loved or hated, and it all depended on the way she treated you. If Jennie liked you, life was easy. If she had anything against you, though, you were screwed. Jennie had the means and the resources to turn your life into a living hell. And that was exactly what she had done to Lisa.

News spread fast after the incident in the cafeteria. Lisa was soon at the receiving end of countless stares, insults, and at times; physical violence. And worst of all, Lisa hadn't even gotten to come out on her own. Someone had done it for her. Someone who she hated with every fibre of her being.

Following the incident, Lisa was forced to tell her parents what had happened before news got back to them somehow. Her mother had been somewhat confused at first, but both of her parents were accepting. Lisa was forever grateful that her parents didn't give her much trouble about her sexuality. She was grateful to have a support system at home.

Her parents were infuriated when Lisa told them what Jennie had done. They informed the school, but Lisa knew it wouldn't do anything. Jennie lived with her uncle, and she always bragged about how he didn't care what she did. The girl could get away with whatever she wanted, and made sure everyone was aware.

So Lisa was practically powerless. She spent the rest of her high school years eating lunch outside to avoid the slurs thrown her way in the cafeteria. Jisoo, Rose, and Somi were her only friends. Lisa knew that without them, those years would have been 10 times more painful than they already were.

Moving to Seoul had been a big change for Lisa. She decided to be open about her sexuality, since she would now have control over who she told. She was surprised when no one cared. It was nice. She'd tell them she was gay, they'd nod in approval and move onto a different subject of conversation. It was totally different than it had been in high school.

Her thoughts were interrupted late that night. Lisa jumped when she saw something move at the corner of her eye. She squinted, seeing that her door had been left open slightly. The light from the hallway was the only thing that illuminated her room, and she watched as the figure moved over to her bed. The doe eyed girl removed her headphones.

"Chae?" She asked, sitting up and raising an eyebrow. There was no answer and Lisa grew even more confused

"Hi," the voice whispered. Lisa's hands clenched into fists and she inhaled slowly. What was Jennie still doing here?

"I'm sleeping, go away." she said firmly. rolling over on her side away from the girl. Her roommates would sure have a lot of explaining to do the next morning. Lisa tugged her blankets over her head and tried to convince herself that this was just some kind of fucked up dream. She didn't need Jennie haunting her anymore than she already did.

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