Chapter 10

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Leaving Jennie didn't get any easier the second time around anything became more difficult now that Jennie understood what was happening.

"I go with Lili." Jennie whined to Somi as the  girl held her back from the door. Lisa stood in the doorway, being her Iip and hesitating to leave.

"You're coming shopping with us today, Jennie." Rose piped up. "Lisa will be back soon." Somi waved her hand at Lisa, mooning for her to leave, Lisa sighed and slipped out the door while Jennie was distracted.

"Lili." Jennie cried, trying to wiggle out of Somi's grasp. Somi held on tightly to the small girl. She glanced at Rose questioningly.  "It's like we're raising a child" Rose mumbled. Jennie was still trying to run for the door, and Somi was struggling to hold onto her.

"Lisa's gone, Jennie." Somi said firmly, she was growing increasingly frustrated with the fact that Jennie was so persistent on being by Lisa's side 24/7, the smaller girl turned around and looked at Somi angrily.

Somi's hands were sull tightly gripping Jennie's wrists, so the smaller girl settled on lacking her legs forwards and hitting the leg of the small table by the door the wood cracked easily under the force of her kick, causing the table to fall over and bring the glass vase on top of it crashing to the floor.

Rose and Somi both gasped as glass scattered everywhere. Jennie immediately cried out and covered her ears with her hands, which Somi had released out of shock.

"Why the hell would you do that?!" Somi yelled turning around and glaring at Jennie the smaller girl took a few steps back and
brought her hands up in front of her face.

"Please," she shook her head violently. Somi and Rose exchanged confused glances as Jennie continued to take slow steps away from them.

"Bad" Jennie mumbled, knocking on her head with her fist. "Bad, Stupid," she shook her head and hit her head even harder. Somi rased an eyebrow at Rose, who was just as lost as she was.

"Stupid." Jennie uttered under her breath. "Stupid, stupid stupid, her voice grew louder and she began violently pummeling her head with both fists her back slid down against the wall and she continued punching herself with her balled up fists.

"Jennie, don't do that," Somi quickly ran over to the girl and slid down next to her "Hey hey you're not stupid." She grabbed Jennie's hands and held them away from her face.

Jennie looked up at Somi, her bottom lip trembling the other girl felt extremely guilty for snapping at her, she glanced back at Rose, who was already using the broom to sweep up the pictures of broken glass.

"Stupid" Jennie shook her head and tried to bring her hands back to her face. Somi kept a firm grip on her wrists, and Jennie whined in frustration. "Stupid, bad, bad, Jennie."

Somi bit her lip and sat down next to the girl. "You're not bad or stupid." Somi said softly unsure how she should go about comforting Jennie.

"I killed it." Jennie whimpered, pointing to the vase and table by the door she began to cry softly, tears flowing down her cheeks and spotting her shirt.

"It's okay, Jennie. It's just a vase, we can just buy a new one." Somi shook her head. "It's okay, I promise. Do you want something to eat?" she tried to distract the smaller girl, hoping food would take her mind off of what she'd done.

Jennie shook her head violently, sobbing even harder than before she dropped her head onto her knees and covered her face with her hands as the sobs became uncontrollable.

"Jennie, you don't have to cry." Rose piped up joining Somi on the floor next to the girl it's all cleaned up, see?" she pointed to the doorway. Jennie didn't respond to their attempts at comforting her, she just continued crying into her hands.

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