Chapter 15

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Meanwhile, the moment Somi appeared upstairs, Rose dragged her into the bedroom and closed the door behind them.

"Lisa admitted it." Rose smirked. Somi tilted her head to the side.

"Well, not exactly, but close enough. She definitely has feelings for her," Rose explained. "And we were completely wrong." , "Wrong?" Somi asked, sitting down on the bed. "How were we wrong?"

"We were all concerned about the feelings not being returned by Lisa, right?" Rose asked, earning a nod from the other girl. "Well that's not the case. Lisa's scared that Jennie doesn't return her feelings." Rose laughed and sat down. "She's got it bad, Somi."

"What? That's insane." Somi shook her head and laughed softly. It's obvious that Jennie adores her, you see the way she looked at her?" Rose nodded in agreement.

"Out of all people, Lisa chooses Jennie,"
Somi laughed and ran a hand through her hair. "I see why, though, now that I think about it." Rose raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Lisa hates fake people, Chae" Somi
explained, gesturing to the stairs. "Jennie's
the complete opposite of fake."

"Damn." Rose laughed, realizing how accurate Somi was "We've got to tell Jisoo."

Somi nodded in agreement. "Maybe Lisa will actually talk to us about it now," she stood up I up and ran a hand through her hair. "C'mon, let's go see what the lovebirds are up to."

Both girls giggled when they got to the bottom of the stairs and saw Jennie cuddled up in Lisa side on the couch. Lisa looked up and felt her cheeks turn red when she caught sight of her two roommates looking over at them.

"Is she okay?" Rose asked, trying to not make Lisa feel uncomfortable. The doe eyed girl nodded slowly.

"She didn't know where I was," Lisa answered honestly Somi and Rose exchanged glances and both smirked.

"That's adorable," Somi commented, plopping down on the other side of the couch and raising an eyebrow at Lisa. The doe eyed girl glared at her, but Somi knew she wasn't serious. Jennie looked up at the other girls and smiled shyly.

"What're we doing for dinner?" Somi asked, raising an eyebrow at Lisa.

"I don't know, Som. I thought you were supposed to be in charge of dinner tonight? The other girl smirked and Rose high-fived her.

"Pizza?" Somi shrugged. Jennie's eyes widened.

"Yes, pizza, yes please," Jennie clapped her hands together, causing the other three girls to double over in laughter.

"Pizza it is then," Somi nodded once. Winter giggled excitedly and smiled over at Lisa. "Too cute," Somi muttered under her breath and shook her head, Lisa shoved her playfully and Jennie giggled.

"Oh, so you stick up for her but not for me?" Somi crinkled her nose at Jennie. "I see how it is," she teased. Jennie giggled and hid her head in Karina's shoulder.

"Hey Jen, you wanna come get the pizza with me?" Somi asked, nudging Rose. Jennie looked up at Lisa questioningly.

"Go ahead," the doe eyed girl motioned for Jennie to follow Somi. "I'll be right here when you get back" Jennie nodded with a soft smile and hopped up to her feet, engaging Somi in an animated conversation about pizza as they exited the apartment.

"So..." Rose started falling back on the couch next to Lisa. "Continuing our conversation from earlier... you're really scared that Jennie is the one not returning the feelings?"

Lisa raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I mean, why wouldn't I be?

"To be honest, we were sort of more concerned that you didn't return her feelings." Rose admitted. Lisa looked surprised.

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