Chapter 7

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Minutes later Lisa was opening the passenger side door for Jennie, who crawled out excitedly and began walking in the opposite direction of the store. Shaking her head, Lisa ran after her and grabbed her hand.

"This way." Lisa laughed. Jennie held onto her hand tightly, skipping behind Lisa with an excited smile on her face. Lisa led them both into the store, ignoring the confused stares from the other customers when Jennie continued to skip once they were Inside

Lisa grabbed two of the bowls from the counter and handed one to Jennie. "Do you know how to do this?"

Jennie looked at her blankly and Lisa sighed. "Here, I'll show you," she led Jennie who was still holding her hand, over to the wall of the self-serve yogurt.

"These are the flavours." She nodded to the pictures at the top of the machines. Jennie nodded and studied each one intently. Lisa let go of her hand so she could hold her bowl underneath the machine that dispensed cookies & cream flavoured yogurt.

"See, you just pull the lever and-," Lisa paused when she turned around and saw Jennie already filling up her cup with banana flavoured frozen yogurt. She ran over and stopped the lever just before Jennie's cup overflowed.

"That's enough for now," Lisa laughed. Jennie pouted.

"Again." She pointed to the machine, going to fill up her cup even more. Lisa shook her head quickly and pulled Jennie over to the cookies & cream machine.

"Here." She handed Jennie her empty cup.

"You can fill up mine with this one."

Jennie nodded happily, taking Lisa's bowl but walking over to a different machine. Before Lisa could stop her, Jennie was filling her cup with raspberry flavoured yogurt. Lisa shook her head, sighing and accepting the cup from a satisfied Jennie.

"There's toppings over there." She pointed to the counter next to them. Lisa grabbed Jennie's hand before she could run over and followed her. "Don't use too many."

Jennie nodded, bending down and studying all of her different options. Lisa was adding strawberry slices into her cup when Jennie tapped her on the shoulder and proudly held up her frozen yogurt, which was now covered neatly with banana slices.

"You really like bananas, don't you?" Lisa asked, laughing softly.

"Yes, yellow." Jennie nodded. She smiled proudly, and Lisa led her over to the cashier. They set their cups down on the scale and Lisa paid. She sent a warning glare to the man behind the counter when he began eyeing Jennie, who was clapping her hands in excitement. He quickly gave her the change and she thanked him.

Lisa handed Jennie a spoon, walking over to one of the tables. Jennie sat down, crossing her legs underneath her in the small chair. Lisa laughed, sitting down across from her and taking a bite of her ice cream. She hadn't expected to like the raspberry flavour, but it was actually pretty good.

Jennie started eating her ice cream by picking the bananas off and popping them into her mouth one by one. Lisa watched as Jennie happily chewed on her food. She looked up from her bowl and smiled widely at Lisa.

"Is it good?" Lisa asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yellow." Jennie nodded, as if it were a completely reasonable answer. By now, Lisa had realized that it was to Jennie.

"Pink." Lisa pointed to her cup. Jennie nodded excitedly, smiling at Lisa as if she'd just unlocked one of the deepest secrets of the world. Lisa liked that feeling.

Jennie finished half of her ice cream before she looked up at Lisa nervously. Noticing this, Lisa pointed to her cup. "Are you full?"

Jennie nodded slowly. Lisa just nodded and took both of their cups, throwing them away. She saw the smaller girl sigh in relief, wondering why it bothered her so much to tell her when she was full.

Yellow [Jenlisa Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now