Episode 3: Scene 1 & 2

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Jocelyn's mansion
The Board room.

Things are tense as the team from Capitol Records anxiously waits for Jocelyn's arrival.

The door to the board room slowly creaks open. Jocelyn is on the other side waiting for a wave of backlash to hit from last night's rendezvous.

But when she opens the door she's greeted with smiling patrons and balloons. Even Nikki is smiling.

Andrew: You are a fucking genius!

Jocelyn: I- what?

Nikki: You know I was so worried about you taking on this new era but to see you fully embracing it- even thinking a step ahead of us is just GENIUS!

Jocelyn: I don't understand/

Nikki: Jocelyn look at this article here. Xander! [ snaps ]

Xander quickly pulls up a projection of the TMZ article.

Nikki: I couldn't have written it better myself! We didn't even pay for this one!

Jocelyn: Your not upset?

Nikki: Upset? Why would I be upset? This is fantastic!

Jocelyn: But my fans and their parents/ hate me

Andrew: Fuck them! We wanted to get you a new fan base, remember? We're rebranding away from the kiddy shit. This is perfect! WHO WANTS CHAMPAIGN?"

Cheers arise from the board room. Everyone raising their glass in celebration. Jocelyn stands there, she'll shocked.

Jocelyn: I-I should go/ you know

Andrew: What? No no, stay! Have a drink!

Nikki: Yeah hun, didn't you have something you wanted to say to us? Something about the song?

Jocelyn: You guys know I shouldn't drink/

Nikki: [clearly wasted] I thought it smoking that you weren't allowed to do anymore

Jocelyn: We'll it's/ both

Andrew: Who cares! What's this about the song?

Jocelyn: I want to make some adjustments. To bolster my bad girl image. I did some re-record/ing

Nikki: Approved! Can we drink now?

Andrew: I'm already doin it!

Nikki and Andrew both share hearty laughs that dissolve into drunken madness.

The walls seem to begin warping and folding in on Jocelyn. Everything moves in slow motion as people laugh and spill drinks. Jocelyn is feeling uncomfortable as the team that's supposed to protect her doesn't seem to care too much about her sobriety.

Feeling overwhelmed, Jocelyn leaves the room and heads to the kitchen.

[ Scene 2 ]

Once there she looks for her stash of lollipops but the jar that once held them is empty.

Jocelyn: LEAH!!!

Jocelyn's screams cause her nearby chef to jump.

Chef: Woah, someone's stressed! Want a carrot?

Jocelyn: No, I need my fucking lollipops!

Chef: Oh those things? I threw them out soon as I seen em. You don't need to develop a sugar addiction- it'll make you fat.


Chef: Well, as your chef AND personal trainer- it kind of is/

Jocelyn: NO IT ISNT

Chef: Look at you, your already so dependent on the candy your yelling and screaming when you don't have it!

Jocelyn screams violently before feverishly thumbing through a set of keys. She finds the one she's looking for and uses it to unlock a small safe located in the kitchen island.

Chef: What are you-

Jocelyn pulls out a coveted pack of Camels and a hot pink lighter. She shakes as she lights the cigarette.
Lea finally enters the room.

Lea: Joce! What are you doing?! Where are your lollipops??

Jocelyn: He threw them away.

Lea: [turning towards the chef] you WHAT?

Chef: C-candy is contraband!

Lea: Those were there to PREVENT HER FROM DOING THIS

Jocelyn: Your fucking fired.

Chef: I-I didn't know, I'll buy them back for you Jocelyn I'm sorry I didn't/ know


Lea shoves the unsuspecting chef. He's too stunned to retaliate.

Lea: GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT. [ he leaves ] Give me this!

Lea snatches the cigar from Jocelyn and throws it onto the ground, stamping it out with her flip flop.

Lea: [mere inches away from Jocelyn's face] I will replace the pops RIGHT NOW. Don't do this to me again.

Jocelyn: I like it when your all fiesty

Lea: I knew going to that club was a bad idea. You were there for ONE night and now your spiraling!

Jocelyn: I wouldn't call one cig a spiral.

Lea: It always starts with just one. Then it tumbles into something more.

Jocelyn: Set backs are normal on the path to sobriety.

Lea: Yes but we CANT make a habit of it. Okay? We can't afford to have you fooling around with this.

Jocelyn: We? I'm the one who's in debt.

Lea grabs the cigarette pack and lighter and tosses them into the garbage.

Jocelyn: If this rebrand fails I'm the one who's going down. You get to stay here for free and live off me. Is that what your concern is? That if I fail you'll have to go out and get a real job? Huh?

Lea: That's not what this is about. I'm your friend Joce, and I'm concerned about you.

Jocelyn: Your on payroll Leah. Don't think I don't know that.

Lea: Yes Joce but I care/ about you.

Jocelyn: No you don't.

Lea: Yes, I do.

Jocelyn grabs her phone and immediately calls Tedros. He answers, she begins walking away from Leah.

Jocelyn: Hey, can you come get me?

Lea: Who are you taking to? Where are you going?!

Jocelyn: To be with the only person I can trust right now.

Lea: Joce-

Jocelyn puts her hand up (in a "talk to the hand" kind of motion) effectively shutting Lea up. Jocelyn walks up to her bedroom and locks herself inside until Tedros arrives to "rescue" her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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