Episode 1: Scene 3

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Board room (within Jocelyn's house)

Jocelyn's team including Andrew, the Capitol records representative, Nikki the manager, Xander the creative director, Leah the personal assistant, Chaim Jocelyn's father figure, and Destiny Jocelyn's mother figure and marketing PR specialist, are all gathered at a long table.

They have just watched Xander's presentation on the concept for Jocelyn 2.0

Jocelyn: I don't understand, what was wrong with what I was doing before?

Andrew: That was Jocelyn the child star. That era is over now. New album, new label, new sound, new mature Jocelyn.

Xander: We we're actually thinking that we could use your time away to our advantage. Rehab changed you. Hardened you. Made you discover some things about yourself.

Jocelyn: Yeah but thats not what I discovered in there- what your suggesting is disgusting.

Andrew: Is it really disgusting or is it different and intriguing?

Jocelyn: No! It's actually not different at all, it's the same old "good girl" turned "wild slut" trope that you guys always do! That's what the girls I used to look up to did.

Xander: Exactly! You are going to be this generation's Britney, the Christina of this decade! Think about it- when was the last time we had a dirty nasty pop girl? It's been years!

Andrew: And there's a perfect Jocelyn shaped gap in the market for slutty pop girls!

Jocelyn: This is ridiculous

Nikki: We'll it doesn't really matter what you think cause your doing it.

Jocelyn: I won't

Nikki: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you had a secret stash of a hundred million dollars lying around here, why don't you go ahead and dig it out for us?

Jocelyn: I'll make the money a different way.

Nikki: We'll that's laughable since every sponsor you had pulled out after you canceled the tour. Oh and Disney stopped airing reruns of your show on the channel since it came out that you went to rehab for drug and alcohol abuse. So looks like those residual checks won't be coming in anymore. And you've worked in the entertainment industry all your life so you have no degree and no other skills/

Chaim: Nikki stop

Nikki: No, she needs to hear this! This album- this concept Xander has come up with, it's already been approved by the board. Songs have been selected, music video locations scouted and booked, and your all out of options. Your doing this.

Jocelyn looks down at the table with tears in her eyes as the realization sets in. She's truly trapped.

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