seungmin pov

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As the day of the concert approached, I found myself getting more and more nervous. Y/N was about to perform solo, and I knew I wouldn't be there on stage with her like before. The thought of not being able to help her control her mind-reading power made me even more anxious than she probably was.

I tried to find a way to support her, even though I wouldn't physically be there. I looked up things online, hoping to find something that could help. After a while, I stumbled upon a post that mentioned how a kiss might help calm nerves. It sounded a bit unusual, but I thought maybe it could work. It was a bold move, and I knew that, but I wanted to do everything I could to help Y/N.

So, before her solo stage, I took a deep breath and walked up to her. I could feel my heart racing as I leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss. I hoped it would somehow give her the strength and confidence she needed to shine on stage.

Seeing the surprise on her face, I quickly explained that I had read about it online and thought it might help. It was a bit embarrassing, but I wanted her to know that I cared deeply about her and wanted her to do well.

When I  saw her on stage, my heart raced. I was so proud of her for facing her fears and performing all by herself.

As I watched Y/N perform on that special day, memories flooded my mind. Memories of a time when I sang "Beautiful Life" for her, a song that had a special place in my heart. I remembered how she had fallen asleep while listening to the song, her peaceful expression etched in my memory.

When I saw Y/N dancing to "7 Rings" on that stage, my jaw practically hit the floor. Her dance moves were out of this world, and I couldn't believe my eyes. I could feel my cheeks turning into shades of red I didn't even know existed, and my heart was racing. The crowd's cheers seemed distant as I got lost in watching her perform

In that moment, I realized something important. My feelings for Y/N were more than just friendship. I really liked her. Seeing her shine on stage made my heart swell with pride and happiness. The fact that my kiss might have played a small role in boosting her confidence made me feel like I had done something right.

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