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In the quiet of the dorm's hallway, I sat alone, lost in sketching. It was a rare moment of solitude, just me and my thoughts. But soon enough, Seungmin's presence joined mine, and I looked up to see him.

"Hey," he greeted with a soft smile, settling down beside me. His company always felt like a warm blanket, comforting and reassuring.

"Hi," I replied, returning the smile. His ability to make even the simplest interaction feel normal was something I treasured.

Seungmin glanced at my sketch, curious. "What are you drawing?"

I showed him the half-finished sketch of a flower. "Just something I had in mind."

He nodded appreciatively. "It's really good."

As we sat side by side, I could feel the calm settling in. With Seungmin around, the weight of my gift seemed to lighten, as if the world's constant thoughts were pushed to the background.

Then, in a surprising turn, he looked at me and said, "Can I sing something for you?"

I was caught off guard but intrigued. "Sure, go ahead."

His voice was like a gentle melody as he sang "Beautiful Life." Each word seemed to carry a weight of emotion, and I closed my eyes, letting the music envelop me. It was like being wrapped in a warm hug, a feeling of serenity that I didn't want to end.

As his song ended, I must have drifted off to sleep, When I woke up, I was in my own bed, blankets snug around me. Confusion momentarily clouded my mind until I noticed Seungmin, who had a soft smile on his face.

"You fell asleep," he said softly, his voice warm like a gentle breeze.

Embarrassment tinged my cheeks as I sat up, blinking at him. "I'm sorry."

Seungmin's smile only widened. "No need to apologize. You looked peaceful."

I realized that he had carried me to my bed, his kindness leaving me feeling touched. It was a small gesture, yet it held a deep meaning. He had created a safe space for me, allowing me to experience a moment of calmness that felt like a dream.

As I settled back into my bed, I couldn't help but smile. Seungmin's thoughtful actions spoke volumes about the friendship we shared. In a world where my unique ability sometimes made things complicated, he made everything feel simple and normal. It was as if he had gently guided me to a place of tranquility, and for that, I felt truly grateful.

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