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Taken from the first chapter:

'Why haven't you given up on Lily yet?' Sirius asked. James looked up from the map and looked at his friend sitting in front of him. 'At least I'm in love with a girl, compared to you, who sleeps around with every girl.' 'As if they were objects of some kind,' he said grimly, Sirius stared at him angrily. 'Oi, well, that was something,' Remus laughed and took another candy from their collection of candy spread out on the bed. Peter laughed with him, even though he didn't understand the joke at all. 'What do you mean by that?' Sirius asked. 'I mean you come across as this person that every girl wants, but you've never had a relationship that lasted longer than two days,' James said. Sirius shook his head. 'That's not true, what about Mary Mcdonald?' Sirius said, raising a finger and pointing at James as if it would help him in this debate. 'We were together for 2 months.' Sirius said, James clapped his hands. 'Oops, 2 months when you were thirteen, congratulations,' he said sarcastically, which Sirius didn't appreciate. 'You haven't even had a girlfriend,' Sirius said, crossing his arms. 'That's because I don't want anyone other than Lily, and when I do get her, I'll treat her as she deserves, not the way you treat girls,' he said.

Sirius rolled his eyes and shook his head. 'Are you saying I don't have what it takes to be a good boyfriend?' he said, James nodded. Remus and Peter stared at each other. This was unusual. James and Sirius never fought, and Sirius never received criticism about how he was with girls. After all, he was the sweet one among them. All the girls at Hogwarts were completely obsessed with the guys, they actually called them the Marauders. Which led them to name their map the Marauder's Map.

Sirius was the sweet one, James was the funny one, Remus was the smart one, and Peter was the quiet one.

'Tell anyone in the whole school that I couldn't get,' Sirius asked.

'It's not just about getting them. It's about how much you can handle, you would never be able to handle a real relationship,' Remus explained. Sirius shook his head. 'I do have what it takes, tell me a girl's name and how long I have to be with her to prove you wrong,' Sirius said, crossing his arms. James and Remus looked at each other, then at Peter. 'Dorcas Meadowes,' James said first, Peter laughed. 'She's a lesbian,' he laughed.

'Yes, exactly, it's a bit homophobic of you to demand that I try to make her my girlfriend when you know she's gay,' Sirius said.

Remus gave James a look, there's a girl at school who can't stand him. Who thinks he's a woman-hating bully who just exploits girls, who would never agree to be his girlfriend even if someone held a gun to her head.

"y/n y/n"

Sirius's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What? Y/N? Are you mad? You know I can't stand her!"

Remus chuckled softly. "Then it would just prove to us that you can win anyone over!"

James nodded "agreed, if you can win her over, if you can make her your girlfriend, then i will take back what I said about you not being boyfriend material.

Sirius scowled at his friends. He had a notorious dislike for Y/N, a fellow Gryffindor student. They had clashed more times than he could count, and the mere thought of pretending to be her boyfriend was cringe-worthy. But he couldn't back down from a dare, especially one issued by James and Remus.

"Alright then, how long do I have to be her boyfriend?"

"For the whole year." Remus said.

Sirius's eyes widened, and a mixture of shock and outrage crossed his face. "Are you absolutely mental? The entire year? That's insane!"

James chuckled. "Come on, Sirius, you say you are boyfriend material. Prove it by keeping up the act for a whole year."

Sirius's expression turned stormy as he scowled at his friends. He had barely managed to survive a single day pretending to be Y/N's boyfriend, and now they were suggesting he endure it for an entire year?

"You're both out of your minds if you think I'm going to do that," Sirius retorted, his voice tinged with frustration.

Remus smirked. "Afraid you can't handle it, Black?"

Sirius's jaw clenched, and he shot Remus a fierce glare. "I could handle it just fine, thank you very much. But why the bloody hell would I subject myself to that torture?"

Peter leaned back in the bedpost in the corner, holding up the canopy. A challenging glint in his eyes. "Because you're Sirius Black, the charming heartthrob of Gryffindor, and you've never turned down a dare before."

Sirius's temper flared as he slammed his hand on the bed frame. "Fine! I'll do it! But you'll regret ever suggesting this, all of you."

Premiere: Tomorrow. August 19th.  11 PM. Central European time. 

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