All to well 6

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Bucky didn't answer Steve's question as he was interrupted by knocking on the door. y/n stood up from the couch and opened it. "y/n Rogers?" said the man "yes?" y/n nodded "here's a special delivery for you" he said and handed her a package with brown wrapping paper and an envelope "For y/n" it read, signed with a familiar scrawl - Paul's. Her heart fluttered with excitement as she walked back to the couch, sitting next to Bucky, who was as curious as she was.

y/n took the envelope and opened it. "Hi, y/n. I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about you. Here's a few songs that make me think about you. Hope you enjoy it. I stayed up all night making this for you and paid my mailman first thing in the morning to deliver it to you. Love, Paul."

y/n felt her cheeks burning and her heart were boiling with excitement and love. She carefully opened the package, revealing a cassette tape. y/n felt her heart flutter with excitement. "What is it?" Steve asked curiously, not seeing what's inside the package. "It's a mixtape, I think." She said and she quickly popped the cassette into her player.

The soothing crackle of vinyl filled the room, followed by Paul's voice. "Hey there, Y/N. I thought I'd put together some songs that remind me of our date together. Hope you enjoy these old classics and that they bring a smile to your face."

Bucky's heart sank as he heard the lyrics from "my girl." She did really like it, and looking at y/n's happiness he didn't have to heart to ruin it. While listening to the next song, "can't help but to fall in love." by Elvis, y/n looked at Bucky. "I'm sorry Bucky, you were about to tell me something?" y/n said, holding the package the gift came from close to her chest. "Oh, I was about to say..." Bucky started "that..." He looked at the red flushing cheek in her face, her clenching the package Paul had sent her chest. "I was about to say that I'm happy for you and Paul."

y/n smiled to "i'm happy with him actually." she said, throwing the package into the garbage can, keeping the note, and continued listening to the sweet tape Paul made for her. Bucky tried his best to smile, but the second y/n was out of the room (she wanted to listen to the mixtape by herself) the tears came running. Steve frowned, sitting down next to him.

"You wanna talk?" Steve asked him. Bucky sighed, running a hand through his hair. Telling him Bucky had feelings for his sister wasn't going to be easy so might as well just do it. Bucky took a deep breath, his eyes locked onto Steve's. "I... I have feelings for your sister, Steve. I've had them for a while."

Steve's expression softened as he considered Bucky's words. "Buck, I've known Y/N for a long time, and I can tell you she's got a good heart. But she's dating Paul now, and you just saw her. She's crazy about him."

Bucky nodded, a mix of emotions crossing his features. "I know, Steve. But there's something you need to understand. Before I left, Y/N and I had a uh... moment... I broke her heart, Steve. I thought... I thought it would protect her from the pain if anything happened to me."

Steve's eyes widened in realization. "She told me about that. She said it was the reason she stopped talking about you." Bucky's gaze dropped to his hand, guilt weighing heavily on his shoulders. "I messed up, Steve. I know I did. But seeing her happy now with Paul, it's bittersweet. I can't help but wonder if I'm wrecking what she has with him."

Steve leaned back, his expression thoughtful. "You know, deep down, I've always known how much I care about Y/N. She's my sister, after all. And she's told me about her feelings for you, Buck." Bucky's eyes widened in surprise. "She... she told you?"

Steve nodded, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, she did. But you see, Buck, she's moved on. She's with Paul now, and I don't want you to jeopardize that for her."

Bucky clenched his jaw, a mixture of frustration and understanding welling up within him."how did they even meet? Was it sudden?" Bucky asked, Steve sighed "well, it was our mother..." Steve said he didn't need to go on with that, he knew their mother and he knew that she'd been dying to y/n to meet a new man. "Our mother tried to set her up with another guy John... well... he wasn't really a nice guy though.".

Sebastian Stan/Paul Mccartney imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now