y/n lennon// Paul McCartney

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A/N: "Fun" fact: John Lennon did have aggression problems and ADHD. His dad abondoned him as a child, his mother (Julia Lennon) was too depressed To raise him so John was raised by his aunt and uncle... his uncle later died. He could meet his mother sometimes but... she got hit by a car and died. John had never been the same since then and is known to be aggressive to friends and wife... 

Not to defend his actions or anything, but I'd like to point out that hitting wives during the 70s were very normalised and legal. And Paul McCartney has even said Cynthia wanted him to be someone he wasn't. So i'm not gonna judge him, I don't know their relationship and honestly, it's none of my business. Also, he was very kind to Yoko Ono, he stood up for her when Paul threated her like crap... 

Also, I have basically the same issues so I can't honestly judge him. 

You know you've problems when you look up to John Lennon because you relate to his aggression problems...


The days were a mixture of stolen glances, secret smiles, and lingering touches. Y/N, John Lennon's younger sister, had fallen for the charming Paul McCartney, a feeling that ignited her heart like wildfire. But their romance was shrouded in secrecy, knowing well that her brother's overprotective nature would not approve.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Y/N and Paul found themselves alone in a quiet corner of the park. Their fingers brushed against each other, hesitant yet longing, and their lips met in a tender kiss. It was a fleeting moment of passion, a whispered promise of affection that left them breathless.

But in the shadows, John had been watching. Anger surged through him as he saw his sister in the arms of his friend, and before he knew it, his fists clenched and his heart raced. The protective older brother in him couldn't bear the sight of them together.

"Y/N!" John's voice boomed, causing both you and Paul to startle and pull apart.

Y/N's heart raced as she turned to face her brother, a mix of fear and defiance in her eyes. "John, I can explain..."

But before she could finish, John's rage took hold. He lunged at Paul, his fists landing blows before anyone could react. Y/N screamed, trying to pull her brother away, her heart torn between loyalty to John and her feelings for Paul.

"Stop it, John! Stop!" she cried, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Eventually, John's anger subsided, his breath heavy and his face flushed. He glared at Paul before turning to Y/N, his expression a mix of guilt and frustration.

"You deserve better than him," John muttered, his voice strained.

Y/N's eyes flashed with anger as she looked at her brother, her voice trembling. "You don't get to decide that for me, John. You've crossed a line."

With those words, she turned and ran, her heart shattered by the conflict between her feelings for Paul and her loyalty to her brother. Hours later, Y/N found herself on the doorstep of Paul's house, her cheeks streaked with tears. She knocked urgently, her heart pounding as she waited for him to answer.

When the door swung open, Paul's concerned eyes met hers. "Y/N? What happened?"

Tears welled up again as she choked out the words. "I can't stand John. I couldn't stand being in the same house as him." she said. 

Paul's arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly as she sobbed into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry you had to go through this."

"I'm the one who should be sorry."

"This wasn't your fault." He said. 

Meanwhile, at home, John's actions had repercussions beyond what he could have imagined. Their Aunt Mimi, having heard of the confrontation, stormed into the living room where John sat, his face etched with guilt.

"John Lennon, what on earth possessed you to raise your hand against that boy?" Mimi's voice was a mixture of anger and disappointment.

John lowered his head, his anger now replaced with regret. "I was just trying to protect her."

Mimi's gaze softened as she let out a sigh. "Protecting her doesn't mean hurting her or the people she cares about. You need to understand that."

Back at Paul's house, Y/N and Paul found solace in each other's company. As the night grew darker, they talked, sharing their fears, hopes, and dreams. And in that moment, Y/N knew that her heart had made its choice.

The days that followed were filled with heartache and healing. Y/N's decision to leave home had sparked a series of conversations, apologies, and reflections. And as she and Paul navigated their love, they learned that family bonds could be tested but also strengthened by the challenges they faced.

In the end, Y/N chose to follow her heart, standing up for her feelings while also mending the relationship with her brother. And as she looked into Paul's eyes, she knew that their love story was one of resilience—a tale of two hearts that had faced adversity and, against all odds, found their way back to each other.

Sebastian Stan/Paul Mccartney imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now