Hayley atwell- rainy days

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Y/N's POV:

You were rudely awoken by the gross British weather of rain and freezing temperatures. Hayley had rolled over in the early hours and taking most of the quilt with her leaving you being freezing cold.

You looked over at the clock. 9 am. Not too bad you thought, though you would have liked to have slept some more but you decided to get up anyway. You threw on your favourite jumper ( which was Hayley's of course) and some socks and you went downstairs and out the kettle on. You looked over at your glass doors leading to the garden and the rain and morning sun looked magical. Unless you were caught in the rain when you didn't want to be you loved it. The way it rolls down the windows and forms rainbows in the sky, it was one of your favourite things to just observe.

The kettle finished boiling so you made a cup of tea and went and stood in front  of the door and just watched the rain. You didn't notice how long you had been stood there until you felt a pair of familiar arms reach around your waist to hold you. You immediately leant back into Hayley's embrace feeling her warmth.

"You left me" Hayley said with a pout on her face as you turned around to look at her
" sorry baby I woke up and I didn't want to disturb you so I just came down to watch the rain" you said as you kissed her pout away making her smile

"Cmon I know your still tired let's go back to bed yeah?" You said as you saw Hayley yawn as she rested her head agains your shoulder. She nodded and you walked hand in hand back to your room where you got back under the covers and cuddled up to Hayley with her head on your chest. You drew patterns up her arms and played with her hair she looked up at you suddenly and said

"You look good in my clothes by the way" and you  blushed and smiled as she rested her head back onto your chest and you both fell back to sleep in each others  comfort and warmth.

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