Alessia Russo- Game day

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Y/N's POV:

You woke up at the sound of alessias alarm going off. You felt the bed move as she unlatched herself from around you to turn it off but she came right back and snuggled back into your warmth.
"Morning baby" she said in her morning voice that was your absolute favourite
"Good morning my love" you replied as you kissed her head.
"Cmon baby we have to get up it's my game day!" Alessia said as she sat up and tugged on your arm for you to do the same

"I know I know but you were so comfortable"
Alessia laughed and stood up and heading towards the bathroom turning around just before she got to the door " you joining?" She said and walked into take a shower.

You immediately shot up and let's just say you wasted a lot of water....

Arriving at the stadium-

You had your hand on Alessia's thigh as she was driving into the players car park "your gonna do great baby" you told her as she looked a little nervous seen as it was nearing the end of the league. She turned and looked over at you and she had the warmest smile on her face and you knew that boosted her a little more.

As you both got out the car you heard a very loud "LESS!!! Y/N!!!"come from behind you both, knowing immediately who it was.

"Tooneyyy how can I help you" less replied seeing Ella running up to hug the both of you

"No need just wanted to see my two best mates" Ella said winking at you ( joking of course!!)

"Eyes of Tooney she is mine" less replied making you blush and smile uncontrollably. You looked over at less and she was smiling too

"I know I know I could never compete"tooney replied laughing

" how you feeling for the game Ella" you said as the three of you started heading inside after collecting Less's kit bag

"I'm feeling good Y/N I'm excited for the season to be nearly over it means we can finally have a break and go on holiday" she replied while smirking as she basically just invited you all to go on a holiday that you both knew would be as hectic as could be.

After the match-

Alessia had scored 2 goals leading United to yet another win meaning they were one step closer to winning the league. You were so proud of how less played today, she was so nervous yet she did it and won it for the team.

You were waiting on the bonnet of alessia's car as she had to do recovery with the team after the match like usual which you didn't mind doing.

After about 10 mins you could hear the doors opening and the girls all walking out after the match, you immediately saw you girl and her bright blue eyes and her smile that appeared on her face as soon as she saw you. When she was a bit closer you put your phone away and opened your arms for her and she picked up her pace into a fast walk and came straight to you and gave you a massive hug and pulled away to give you a kiss

"I'm so proud of you baby you played so well today" you told her before kissing her again

"Hi baby, thank you" less replied "let's go home I want all the cuddles I can get" she followed with.

Thanks for readinngggg! Sorry it has been a while! Requests are open!!!! :))

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