Renee Rapp-Late Nights

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Y/N's POV:

It was 11pm, Reneè had got back from work about 30 minutes ago. She normally got home a lot earlier but because of her new album coming out she needed to do some extra things in the studio which you didn't mind at all, it just means she owes you more kisses.

As soon as she opened the door she took her shoes off and came straight to find you on the sofa watching your favourite show. "Hey baby!" She said as she wrapped her arms around you from behind the sofa, "Hey bubs" you replied as you turned around and finally kissed her.
Everytime you kissed her it felt like the very first time again, you would never get used to the feeling. You were so happy and so in love with her.

"I made you some food it's in the fridge" you told her and she replied and went and got the food and came straight back and sat next to you with her legs on your lap.

"I love you" she said randomly. You looked over and smiled at her and replied "I love you!" And you both settled back into watching the show again.

It was now midnight and you could tell Reneè was getting tired as she had turned around and out her head in your lap instead, every time you brushed your fingers through her hair her eyes would close and she would struggle more to open them each time.

"Let's go to bed baby" you told her and all she did was nodded and stood up and held her hand out for you to grab, and you did, you took her hand and led her up to your bedroom, she climbed into bed and held the covers open for you to climb in. She immediately cuddled into you and wrapped her arms around you. You stroked her back and drew patterns gently with your fingers. You heard soft snores coming from Reneè 5 minutes later and you whispered "I love you" and kissed her head and fell asleep the happiest you have been in a long time.

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