Maya Bishop- suprise

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Y/N's POV:

It was your day off today but unfortunately your girlfriend maya couldn't get the day off because the station had inspection day and as captain she couldn't miss it but you understood and made a mental note that you would go and see her at the station afterwards.

It was midday and you were just about to leave your shared apartment to go and see maya. You parked round the back of the station out of the way where the rest of the station parks and you snuck in through the barn, with maya being your girlfriend you knew your way around pretty well. You walked into the reception area and noticed maya wasn't in her office but just as you were about to turn around Andy came down the stairs

"Hey Y/N how are you!?" She said as she wrapped you in a hug

"I'm good! I've come to see maya do you know where she is?"

"The last I saw her she was in the turnout room!" Andy replied pointing you in the direction
" okay thank you!" You replied and headed that way. You found the door and through the window you could see your girlfriends blonde hair as she was standing up in the bench to clean the tops of the lockers.
You smiled to yourself, even with her back facing you she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
You opened the door quietly so she wouldn't notice and you crept up behind her and grabbed her legs and lifted her down and of the bench and immediately gave her a quick kiss before she could even recognise what was happening.

"Wha-, Y/N! What are you doing here!" She said as she wrapped you up in a hug. Maya was shorter than you so her head fit just next to your neck perfectly"
"Hey baby! I thought I would come and say hi to my favourite girl" you said smiling as she looked up at you, you both stood there for what felt like forever just smiling like children  until she finally pulled you in and kissed you. You hands immediately went to her waist as hers wrapped around your neck.

" Cmon love birds there is food upstairs!" Andy said bursting through the door breaking you and maya apart

"Hello to you too Andy! We will be up in a second" maya said as Andy left to go back to the beanery.

Maya looked back over to you, hands still in the same place

" I love you" she said and kissed you again

"I love you too Maya Bishop"

Thanks for reading! Requests are welcome!!!!

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