Part 38

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A/N - I know you guys have been waiting for ages to read this next part so don't let me stop you.
I am also going to try doing "Third person POV" as well as the characters POV and if I think it sucks we won't be seeing any more Third Person POV.


Third Person POV

It's been 2 weeks since Mattheo asked out Allison and you would think no one would really care, but how everyone cares.

Allison has been facing a lot of rude comments from other girls, glares and even bullying. Just because they are jealous of her dating Mattheo.

While Mattheo has faced fights, glares and comments about him dating Allison.

No one really cared when they weren't official, but now that they are everyone cares. They either want to date Mattheo or Allison

So far Allison has had boys waiting at her classes to walk with her, to carry her bag, to do her homework. To be her own personal bodyguards, and she does not like all the attention.

Mattheo on the other hand has had girls waiting for him everyone, they would appear out of nowhere. Loads have offered to do his homework which he happily agreed on because let's be serious no one wants to do homework.

The date is October 27th, hogwarts students are having the week off and can go home or stay at hogwarts for Halloween.

Allison's POV

I woke up at 6:30 and got in the shower, while in the shower I heard muffling voices in my room.

I quickly finish washing my hair, wrap my towel around me and go into my bedroom to only see Molly and Mattheo shouting at the boys to leave my room alone.

I walk over to the door "Boys can you please leave me, my friends and my boyfriend alone"

"Oh uh yeah sure whatever you like" one of the boys says.

Molly shuts the door on them and turns to me and Mattheo. "Why are they obsessed with you guys"

"I don't know I just want to shower in peace though" I say walking to my bed and laying down

Mattheo walks over to me and sits next to me "I didn't get any where near this much attention before we started dating nor did you, so why are they obsessed with us"

"Honestly I have no clue why either of you are getting this much attention as you are but look on the bright side for valentines you will get loads of cards" Molly says trying to pick up the mood

"What's the time even?" I say while staring at the ceiling.

"Around 10 to 7" Mattheo says

"Ok well I'm going back to do my teeth and then moving on to my hair" I say getting up

Mattheo turns to me "no morning kisses?"

I look at him "unless you want my morning breath no"

"You guys are so-"Molly stars before being cut off

"-cute we know" Mattheo says grinning at her

"I was not going to say that but ok, anyway I'm gonna pop in the shower. Mattheo don't touch any of my stuff" Molly says glaring at her brother

I let out a small laugh "I will be out less then 5"

"Ok meanwhile I'm going back to sleep" he says pulling the cover over him

It's too early to put up with this so I'm not dealing with it.

I head into the bathroom and start brushing my teeth, when I'm done I walk back into my room closing the door behind me for Mollys sake.

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