2- fan

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          ✧・✧・ ゚: *✧・゚:*  2  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧゚: *

Arthur had text Thea all of the details at around 7 that evening, planning to meet at this studio/hall ,that he had obviously booked  out for the day, at 10am. It wasn't too far but she would still have to get the train into central london at around 8. she knew that leaving that early was a bit of a stretch considering it was a 15 minute walk to the station a half hour train ride then probably another half hour walk to the hall with room for a mandatory starbucks. She decided that arriving early was much better than being late. especially after realising that she would be the only girl there which she did not realise and really made her rethink agreeing to this whole youtube video thing but she had decided that it was in fact to late to back out now, plus she was like 100 percent sure she could trust Arthur one of her closest friends.
She ended her night with a nice Thursday night relax which consisted of a pack of oreo's and a crime documentary still having tommorows events on the back of her head.

                   ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾time skip☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

it was now the next morning, 7am to be exact.
Theas alarm rang to wich she groaned at it hoping it would turn off, only to realise that that it would not in fact turn off.
The blonde rolled to the other side of her bed and grabbed her phone turning off her alarm.
she then sat on the end of her bed her head buried between her knees knowing that she actually had to do this despite the crippling anxiety crawling up her spine. she shook it off deciding that it was a problem for future Thea.
She walked into her bathroom washing her face and spending her time on an over complicated skincare routine because if she was gonna be an awkward embarrassing mess she at least wanted to look hot doing it.
she then looked at the time and realising she had in fact spent 40 minutes on said skincare
and now had 20 minutes until she had to leave. Thea chucked on a simple yet cute outfit consisting of a hoodie and shorts. She then looked in the mirror and realised that her hair was infact giving ran over bird's nest and and that it was un salvageable and threw it into a low bun and covered it with a hat. she then snapped a quick fit pic that she would post on the train before picking up her bag and rushing out the door not even having time to grab something to eat and decided to get something from starbucks in the way there.
*on the train*
The girl got on the highly packed train considering its peak rush hour, and somehow managed to find a seat. she sat down crossing her arms opening her phone to avoid any awkward and avoidable encounters. she send a quick "on my way now x" message to arthur, and then decided to post her picture from earlier to her insta story

        @whostheaallen posted to their story!!

The girls train quickly approached her stop and hopped off the train, squashing past people that were clearly oblivious of her trying to get to the doors before they closed

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The girls train quickly approached her stop and hopped off the train, squashing past people that were clearly oblivious of her trying to get to the doors before they closed. she then made her way out of the stuffy train station Breathing in the not so fresh London air, and set off to her next location. Starbucks. She walked with her headphones snug against her ear drowning out the busy Rush hour noise, as sparks fly by Taylor swift gently flowed in her ears. She wasn't walking at a quick pace but faster than she normally would as her stomach was starting to scream at her for only having last night plain cheese pasta stuck in it. And as the girl finally turned a corner the green sign made her eyes light up as she rushed inside hoping it would provide her some protection from the awful cold outside. Inside was surprisingly quiet considering it was about eight fifty at this point. She didn't even browse the menu knowing her order already and walked up to the counter with a warm smile. "Hi can I get a grande brown sugar out shaken espresso and an almond croissant please" the girl beamed despite having a mini heart attack trying to get out brown sugar oat shaken espresso without stuttering or saying it completely wrong and highly embarrassing herself. The barista just stood with her eyes wide holding her sharpie and cup still in her hand clearly not planning on moving anytime soon. "Hey are you alright girl?"
the girl questioned with her brows furrowed as the poor girl in front of her looked as if she'd seen a ghost. "Umm.. oh- yeah.. I'm so sorry I'll get that for you right now" the words spilled out of the young girls mouth. Still looking very nervous. "no no it's fine just wanted to know if you were alright you looked as if you'd seen a ghost!" Thea let out a laugh trying to lighten the mood, wich suprisingly worked as the barista also let out a light chuckle turning around to prepare the drink "take your time" the girl continued as she walked to the other side of the shop
to wait for her drink. She pulled out her phone simply shaking the incident as maybe the girl just zoning out or perhaps she got distracted by someone which was completely fine as Thea couldn't even count how many times she had done that and wouldn't ever want to embarrass anyone who did the same.
"Almond croissant and oat shaken for Thea" the girl called out which snapped Thea out of her thoughts also making her realise that she didn't give the barista her name..hm weird.
"Thank you so much" the girl walked over and grabbed her items "also how did you know my name, you didn't take it?" Thea really didn't want to embarrass her anymore but she just had to know or she would neve forget this. "Oh my god this is so embarrassing I'm so sorry" the girl rambled as the blonde just smiled at the girl very curiously "Umm are you Thea Allen? ya know the girl from heartstopper" something suddenly snapped inside of Thea she completely forgot she was an actor, heartstopper was her first real big acting role and she knew it was a hit but she never thought she would have fans. "Omg yes i am I completely forgot I was an actor for a sec, I never thought anyone would recognise me" the girl let out a real laugh feeling genuinely happy in this moment "girl are you kidding ur performance was amazing ur gonna go real places" The couldn't help but let out another toothy grin "stop ur so sweet can I give you a hug"
thea smiled as she leaned over the counter hugging the girl to wich she happy hugged back.
the taller girl pulled away and made eye contact with the little barista in a state of happiness and shock "I'm always gonna remember you as my official first fan, I have to go or I'm gonna be late for my plans" Thea spoke grabbing her food and drink and walking away from the counter
"Of course thank you so much" the barista said back trailing off the end of her sentence as the girl very clearly left the building ecstatic.
Thea then practically skipped her way to the studio smile on her face sipping on her coffee and Taylor swift still blasting in her ears. Nothing can ruin this day


this is my first time writing an actual story I'm used to just writing imagines
it's taken a few days to get started but I'm gonna try and be very consistent with this book and I'm so excited to write this and see what you all think of it

acting out of love (ArthurTv)Where stories live. Discover now