3 "meet the boys"

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Thea approached the studio, face still gleaming with joy from the encounter in Starbucks. She
went through the entrance and remembered the number that Arthur had said would be on the door. "107, 107, 107" she mumbled to herself walking along the corridor until that exact number caught her eye nailed on to a wooden door. All of a sudden the nerves hit her again, meeting the girl in Starbucks completely erased her previous thoughts of what ifs and I'm gonnas even though half the scenarios she had come up with ,that would be so embarrassing she would have to delete herself from earth, would simply never happen she had convinced herself that they would. She had to just shake it off she was having a great day and nothing was going to ruin that. Thea took in a deep breath, pushed down the handle and walked in the the room. Most of the boys seem to have been sat around a table just scrolling on their phones with some occasional chat. She just kinda stared and looked around the room smiling until someone snapped her out of her thoughts "Thea! Hi how are you" the man walked over to her
"Well if it isn't Arthur hill" the girl replied jokingly wrapping her arms around him, both of them laughing "I'm great thanks how are you" the girl replied into his shoulder before pulling away a lot more smiley than usual "yeah life's been really good ya know" "good good" the girl replied genuinely  feeling happy as all her nerves washed away. "You seem rather smiley for 10 am on a Thursday morning?" Arthur laughed making the girl laugh too knowing it was very true considering she was not a morning person. "You've spotted correct mr hill" the girl started "I ran into my first fan this morning at Starbucks and she was just so sweet and it made me feel so good ya know?" Thea continued looking down realising that this might seem a bit embarrassing, arthur quickly noticed knowing this is something the girl has always done
"Hey whatttt! that's so cool Thea, I'm surprised that's ur first I've seen so many fan accounts and edits your litterally a superstar" Arthur beamed so proud of one of his  his best friends, he knew that this was one of Theas dreamed but she was always to scared to just put herself out there. And now that she had finally done it she had gotten extreme success with it. "Woah superstar is one megaaaa push Arthur" the girl cackled not taking her friend seriously "I'm serious Thee even if your not one quite yet you've got big things coming for you girlllll" The boy ended with a sassy tone also not taking himself seriously at this point "thanks arthur" the girl laughed "right introduce me to everyone then we can get started, just tell me what you need me to do!" She beamed.
"Right of course, come with me there all a bit mad so ignore their stupidity" the taller boy somewhat sarcastically said knowing it was pretty much true. "Arthur you know I have brothers I'll be fine" And with that they walked over to the table of boys, blissfully unaware of the girl's presence distracted in their own chat.
"Boys this is Thea, one of my best friends she's gonna help u dorks have a slither of acting skills" Thea just laughed despite trying not to covering her mouth and looking down. All the boys turned to look at her welcomingly wich did make her stomach drop slightly but she kept her cool. "Hi guys im Thea" the girl warmly smiled taking the time to scan around her room.
She knew a couple faces, definitely George she had met him a few times considering he lived with Arthur, Alex for the same reason but not really anyone else tho. "Woah didn't know arthur had famous friend" George joked cracking a few smiles from the boys around him "I didn't know arthur even had any other friends at all" the girl snapped back,surprised at herself for thinking that quick. It also sent all the boys into a fit of laughter "alright, alright" the boy continued not amused "let's get this started this place was expensive to hire" the boys laughter faded as they all stood up walking into the middle of the hall. Arthur then split the group into two groups, group one being George ,Josh (theburntchip) Arthurtv and Thea, and group 2, Arthur Hill, Alex, Chrismd and cam kirkham. Arthur Then handed out scripts to everyone to just have a look at while the camera crew set up. "Hey Thea! How's it been last time a saw you you were auditioning for that show now ur litterally blowing up from it" George laughed making the girl look up from the script she had engrossed herself in. "Hi George, ive been great thanks" the girl engulfed the boy into a big hug "and wow there is no way its been that long i need to get out the house more" Thea almost shouted realising how long its actually been. "Hey can't interrupt a superstar at work" George proclaimed. "People really need to stop calling me a superstar ur gonna boost my ego" Thea laughed "you? Ego boosted? Neverrr" George sarcastically let out. The shorter girl nudged him in defence with a hurt look on her face, however it wasnt very convincing as she was holding laughs through it. "Right George clarkey stop distracting me, introduce me to your friends since arthur didn't do a very good job at it" Thea laughed  turning towards the rest of their team, the two boys distracted in their own conversation. "Friends is definitely a push" George joked as he followed Thea towards the two boys. "Right this is Josh but we normally call him Chip or Chippo as thats what he goes by online" the boy looked up at him with a kind smile "hi, Thea is it? Nice to meet you" the boy cheerfully grinned, Thea knew she would get along well with him she could tell he was a great person already "yep you got it lovely to meet you to" the boy gave the girl a quick hug and she smiled back at him. "Right" George exclaimed "this is Arthur.. television, god this will be confusing for you Thea you'll get used to it eventually" the boy rambled on. The girl turned her attention from chip to the boy awkwardly standing there. She felt her eyes widen and her heartbeat quicken. A feeling the girl certainly hadn't  felt in a long time "hi- umm hey im Thea" the girl laughed in severe embarrassment of the massive mess that just left her mouth . what is going on with her. "Hey yeah im also arthur. Or television as some people like to call me" the boy spoke staring daggers into George with the last part of the sentence . "Guiltyyyyyy" George sang making everyone laugh. "Right television it it, nice to meet you" the girl gave the boy a quick hug to which he reciprocated. Sending shockwaves through the whole girls body.
"Right were ready to start shooting" The camera man called out
This was gonna be interesting..


A/n: hey guys sorry it took my a few days but this is a bit of a longer chapter and now things can get going properly I just wanted to set the story a bit before going straight into it !! But I'm going to start writing the next one straight after this so the next chapter is most likely to be tomorrow!!! Love yous alll

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