4 "love scene?"

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                                                               ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 4 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Chip had explained to Thea how the filming to work as she was not used to this type of filming just her being her and not playing a character. And so from what she understood she just had to get on with helping in the challenges and the cameras would do their own thing, simple enough right.

Without the girl even realising the cameras started rolling but focusing on group 2 first.
"Right what scene are we doing, what's the vibeeee" the girl sung actually quite excited.
The boys looked up in horror from their scripts simultaneously. "How we feeling about romance" george asked somewhat sarcastically. "well it's not my forte but we can make it work" the girl said putting on a confident smile, despite that being the one genre she didn't feel like doing today.

Normally she wouldn't mind it, infact it was actually one of her favourites. but there was a certain brunette in the corner of the room making her nervous system go crazy.
"not ur forte?? the role that's making you famous a love interest!!" Arthur asked so innocently while smiling at the girl not having a clue that her mind was going crazy. Theas face flushed a deep red as she buried her face in her hands "pleaseee don't tell me that you've all seen it" the boys just stared at her face laughing "it's literally in the top 3 on netflix right now of course we've all watched it" george laughed in shock at the girls state.

Obviously the girl knew that she was in a netflix show but she had forgotten that real people watch it, including people she knows "i forgot people actually watch it, i forget it's a show it just seemed like an amazing summer project" the girl laughed reminiscing on the memories of that summer. "your so stupid sometimes thea" george cracked "Right george you've had ur laugh at me let's get started i think arthur (Hill) actually wants some content or he'll kill us" the girl joked walking back to the script/prompt on her chair. "Yeah the cameras look like there coming over now anyway"
Chip slides in
Great the cameras.

                .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. Arthur (tv) pov .・。.・゜.・゜・。.

Oh my god. She's fucking majestic. I was sat having a conversation with Cam and Alex  about whatever twitter drama was going on in the past few days when other Arthur opened the door and let someone in. I knew one of his friends were coming but not litterally an angel. No one seemed to acknowledge her arrival so I just went back to conversation, but I didn't realise how long I was maybe staring for. "Arthur bro, you listening?" Alex snapped me back to reality.
"Shit sorry i got distracted what were you saying" i panicked back not wanting to seem some creep even though still no one was aware of the girl on the other side of the room.

Then she walked over. How can someone walk nice, what the hell is going on with me snap out of it. I got lost in my thoughts for a moment but got dragged back when everyone started laughing and my eyes drew to her. She had the perfect smile, the way she tucked the stay hairs back to their place behind her ear. This day was gonna be different to what I expected.

We then got separated into groups and she introduced me to herself as if she's literally not famous. I always thought famous people would be very stuck up but she's so humple and kind, she won't even call herself famous. I pulled her in for a quick hug and almost froze when she hugged me back, what the fuck Arthur.

Me and George look at the prompts and he almost bursts out laughing, however I feel like crawling into a hole. Romance, I'm the biggest awkward introvert you could ever meet so doing
romance acting with George would kill me enough.. let alone a girl I find attractive.
God this is gonna be interesting

                   .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.no one's pov.・。.・゜.・゜・。.

"Right, First prompt" George announced in a posh voice as he flipped over his sheet dramatically to pick one. "Your group must-" the boy continued while miserably attempting to hold in his laugh. "Your group must create a two minute long scene of a date... but you can't talk and can only use ur body language and facial expressions" Thea burst out laughing as George finished then made direct eye contact with the camera. "these boys litterally have no hope" she let out deadpan as all three gave her a jokingly offended look.

"Also we have 5 minutes to put this together" arthur added  as he continued reading the sheet George screwed up on the floor. "Okay you guys definitely have no hope" she chuckled. "Umm excuse me I think I have pretty loveable eyes" chip  joked fluttering his eyelids. "keep dreaming chip keep dreaming" she snapped back making arthur laugh as she sat down, hiding her smile by looking at the floor. God just him laughing is making her smile .

"Right everyone sit down I'm gonna attempt to teach you some emotions with your eyes" they all surprisingly obliged without doubt and listened to her as she started talking. The girl rambled on for a good 2 minutes about the keys when it comes to acting with expressions: eyebrows, eyes and exaggerated. Not enough for an Oscar worthy performance. But just enough for a group of British YouTubers.

Arthur listend very intently, like he does with everything. However he found it fascinating how enthusiastic Thea really was about acting and how talented she truly was. The group then decided that it was going to be a date between Chip and Arthur at a restaurant with Thea as an overbearing flirty waiter trying to hit on one of them cough cough arthur* and George as a chef in the kitchen that was burning the food. Was it clear that he came up with his own role.

They decided that they were gonna have to improv as the five minutes had literally ended. Group one who seamed to be... trying their best where somewhat watching their performance and somewhat trying to fix the mess that they had come up with.

"3,2,1 ACTION" chip insisted on shouting as everyone got into position.


A/n I'm posting the next part in like 30 minutes but this part was getting a bit long. Sorry it took me a few days I got a cold and it's knocked me outttttt.
But I'm back writing and can't wait for the next few chapters 🤍
(Also not proofread I'm so lazy and it's 2am)

acting out of love (ArthurTv)Where stories live. Discover now