1 "hey thea"

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Thea Allen stood at her kitchen island mindlessly singing along to whatever pop hit was on the radio that morning as she danced around the apartment kitchen making breakfast for her and her roommate Ava. She puts a few slices of bread on the toaster and takes a seat on a stool as she waits, picking up her with the intention to thoughtlessly scroll through instagram until the toast shoots out of the toaster and scares the shit out of her. However her plans were quickly, or rather slowly disrupted by her zombie of a roommate shuffle out of her room still wrapped in her duvet not yet ready to face the slap of winter air that flew through the apartment despite every window being closed.
"morning sunshine" Thea beamed somewhat sarcastic. Ava let out a groan of annoyance
in response clearly regretting last nights decision of intense amount of alcohol.
"breakfast?" Thea asked already buttering Ava's toast knowing her answer.
"please" Ava replied slamming herself onto the kitchen stools. The blonde slid over a slice of buttered paired with a large cup of water and some ibuprofen. "i seriously owe you one Thea" the darker haired girl responds necking her glass of water and pill, she only laughs in response. "i'll hold you up on that one" to wich they both let out a chuckle. Thea sits down and starts biting down on her own toast when she starts up again. "so assuming you haven't got any plans for the day then?"
"we'll i actually have to-" the taller girls face visually widened shocked that she was going to more than even move to the couch this hungover.
"ur face is exactly how i feel babe" the girl continues "my manager asked me to pick up an extra shift to cover for someone and i could use  the money anyway" "i feel that for real but girl your a lot stronger that i am i could neverrrrr" Thea said dragging out the last few word of her sentence. "girl your litterally an actor" "you'd be surprised it can be-" Thea was abruptly cut off by her phone ringing she walked over now finished with her toast and tossed her plate in the sink to be delt with at another time. she read the name out loud "arthur hill?" she murmured quietly. "who is that" Ava inquired "oh it's just an old friend from school n uni i better answer one second". Thea then swiped to accept the call and held  it between her ear and shoulder as she started wiping down her counter around the toaster starting to clear up any crumbs. Ava just sat quiet and listened to the conversation
( bold-Thea talking italics-ArthurH talking)
"hey thea"
"Arthur? what's up you ok?"
"yeah yeah im good you?"
"umm you know im surviving" the girl let out a half arsed laugh not deciding if she was joking with that one or not.
"hahah been there,anyway i have a favor to ask you for"
Theas eyes widened knowing that she wasn't gonna be able to say now to him being the worlds biggest people pleaser, she just gives a silent scream to Ava to which she laughs and rolls her eyes at.
"Thea? hello? you there"
"oh shit sorry i got distracted, what do you need?"
"oh aha that's fine, anyway so you know how your like a really good actor and just adore me as an amazing frienddddd"
"perhaps?? proceed" the blonde laughed now intrigued as to where this was going.
"so i had an idea for a youtube video where we have to split into groups and film scenes and then watch them back to see who can do a better job, but we can't act for shitttt" the boy let out a laugh clearly imagining all the boys trying to act.
"so where do i come in in this crazy video" the girl snapped the boy out of his thoughts.
"oh yeah sorry lol, so as i said because we cannot act at all i was thinking we could have you come in and teach the boys and me some basic acting skills and practice with us it would be so funny and everyone will love you" Arthur finishes.
"hmm Arthur idk when are you thinking of shooting?"
"TOMORROW ?? god you haven't changed one bit Arthur"
"oops" was all Arthur could let out knowing it was definitely true.
"you know what yeah i'll do it" Thea blurted out suddenly without even realising it
"yeah sure why not" she couldn't say no now.
"i genuinely didn't think you would do it i thought you would be too famous for me now"
they both burst out laughing.
"oh my god arthur i am not famous"
"yeah yeah whatever u wanna say, anyway i have to go but i'll message you over all the details. bye Theaaa"
"okay cool by arthuuuu-"
the call ended.

Thea didn't even move and just looked up to Ava. "omg not you entering your youtuber era"
she laughed out. "oh my god Ava i actually cant with you" Thea laughed out despite trying to keep a straight face. "your gonna have so much fun i'm literally so proud of you Theeeeee" Ava was literally the most supportive friend ever.
"Ava i litterally do not deserve you"
"you just pre-made me the perfect hangover breakfast.. i in fact do not deserve you Thea Allen"
they both started laughing again
"let's just say we're even"
"right ive actually got to go and get ready and leave for work. love you thee" ava shouted as she rushed into her room realising the time
"love you more avessss" Thea sang back.
she then had time to think to herself .
"god what am i doing" thea lowly mumbled to herself realising that this is something she will not be good at. yes she is an actor but acting for film and TV is somehow sooooo different to influencer content she couldn't explain why but it just made her feel extremely nervous.
The next few days are gonna be fun

acting out of love (ArthurTv)Where stories live. Discover now