Chapter 2-His kiss

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Stephanie's POV

I walked to the front,waiting in line to get my assignment to Fernando. When it got to my turn,he leaned down as I signed my name.

"Don't you think that gown is too short? Those boys are looking again" I gulped hard,when I felt his cool breath on my face. I smiled awkwardly and immediately left his desk...any other second and I'll crave for him again.

The class continued,my eyes never leaving the professor's body and mouth as he spoke. I still felt the heat of yesterday. I glanced at the spot where he did the unthinkable and shut my eyes tightly,running my hands down my neck and opened my eyes again and saw Fernando's eyes on me.

"What did I say last,Miss Stephanie" My eyes widened. Why would he ask me that!

"What?" I mumbled. He sighed and took his glasses off.

"What exactly are you thinking of? This course isn't something to play with" He spoke so sternly,I felt a pang in my heart. Christina looked my way. But I'm not the only one not focused. Some students,glanced at me and laughed,shaking their heads. I sighed.

"I'm sorry" His eyes softened and he quickly looked away,getting back to the lesson.

I can't be distracted like this,it's not even worth it. I hope this lust just goes away. I rubbed my eyes vigorously and decided to focus hard and only see a not attractive teacher. It turned out well and I didn't even think about yesterday till today's classes were over...and again,I had Mr.Fernando's class last.

I looked straight ahead and walked past his desk. I felt his eyes follow me. I focused only on Christina's arm around mine.

"Miss Stephanie can I have a word with you?" I stopped short at the door when I heard him call my name. Chris cocked her brows at me.

"This is getting sus. He called you yesterday and he's calling again?" She narrowed her eyes at me. I shut my eyes tightly and walked out of the class. "You're not gonna answer him?" I ignored the question cause if I thought too much,I'd be back to him like his little sex toy or his slut.

"Chris,there's nothing going on okay? How can he even like someone like me,'s wrong" I assured her as we got to our dorm.

"What's wrong about it?" Right? I shook my head and glared at her.

"Everything...he's my professor"

"And?" I sighed loudly and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Gosh darn it,Chris,just drop it" I begged and she chuckled slightly.

"I wouldn't lie...I think Mr Fernando has a soft spot for you. Don't you see how he gets mad easily at other students? Girls too?" I frowned and glanced at her,suddenly getting interested. She smirked. "I think he's attracted to you Steph,why didn't you just answer him"

I shrugged and found the lines on the ground really fascinating.

"What even happened yesterday? You didn't come back until thirty minutes" My eyes widened.

"Nothing. What happened?"

"When you got back,you acted so dazed and you kept spacing out,don't you remember?"

"Huh? What are you even saying?" I rolled my eyes and scoffed,then turning round to smile widely. How can I forget?

"What was that? You were smiling!"

"Stay back" I warned. She leapt on me and stared at my face.

"You're totally blushing! Your cheeks are warm and you look dazed again" She laughed. I pushed her off my body.

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