Chapter 9-Saviour

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Stephanie's POV

I threw on a pair of shorts and dashed out of the dorm. Chris opted to stay with me while I spoke with Leo but I stopped her,saying it was my issue to deal with alone and I was ready for whatever the outcome of all this would be,except Mateo kicking me out his life,I wouldn't bare that at all.

I stepped out of the dorm building and looked around but no sight of Leo. I headed closer to the campus building. Since it was the weekend,no one was hanging around there. Suddenly someone wrapped their arms around me,it definitely wasn't Mateo's. The arms around me weren't buff and felt strange.
I realised it was Leo. I turned round and a golden haired boy faced me.

"Hi. I missed you"

"Why did you come here" I looked around,making sure Mateo wouldn't see us. He frowned,trying to hold me again.
"Stop it,Leo"

"Why,what's wrong" I didn't respond and immediately his eyes darkened and he scoffed. "Come to think of it,I actually have a reason for coming here" My heart beat quickened and I chewed my lip. "Who's Fernando? I called someday and he picked your phone saying he's your boyfriend. What's that all about?"

I stepped back,rubbing my hands over my arms. He stepped forward with each step I took back until my back hit the wall.

"What are you doing,stay back"

"Stay back? Since when? Come to think of it,you haven't ever wanted to kiss me since we started dating,is it because of that so called Fernando? Why the hell are you dating him?" He slammed his hand on the wall beside my head. I flinched and shut my eyes,bending my knees so I wouldn't feel his hot breath on my face. "I wouldn't take no for an answer,Stephanie. I want this body for myself" He snaked his arm around my waist,without thinking I slapped him hard across his face. He didn't budge but dropped his hands from my waist.

"Don't touch me again" I spat. He chuckled and grabbed my jaw,tilting my face up to kiss me. I shut my eyes,and balled my fists ready to hit his gut when I heard him scream. I flung my eyes open only to see him sprawled out on the floor,Mateo standing over him. Mateo grabbed his collar and stood him up.

"Hey,who the hell are you?" Leo tried to speak as blood dripped down his nose. He whinced as Mateo threw him back on the ground. I watched Mateo's expression,he wasn't playing around.

"I'm Fernando" Leo's eyes darkened ad he found that out. He scoffed and glanced at me.

"Wow,Stephanie. You called your brother on me? Listen man,that's my woman over there-" Mateo immediately threw a punch on Leo's face and after that didn't stop punching him until I ran towards them and grabbed Mateo's fists before they hit Leo again. He breathed heavily,glaring at Leo.

"Please,please stop" I begged. Mateo can't be caught in a fist fight in a public place, he'll be in serious trouble. He snatched his arm from my grip and took out a handkerchief,wiping the blood stains on his knuckles. I got up and stepped back. I don't have the right to touch him anymore.

"Don't lay your filthy hands on her again,she made it clear,and get out,harassing a woman in public,aren't you brave?" Mateo threw the handkerchief on Leo's face and took my hand,walking out of the scene. I turned my head to look back and Leo was still writhing in the ground in pain. I winced and looked away. Mateo's hand still gripped mine firmly. We got few metres to the dorm building and he let go of my hand.

"Go back in,I'm sure he wouldn't bother you for a while" He said so formally.
I stared at my empty hand for a couple seconds and glanced up at him. He looked even more handsome than he usually does. I almost teared up again. After how much I wanted him,I broke us up. He turned to leave but I stepped forward and grabbed his wrists.

"Mateo" He glanced at me,his brows knitting and his jaw clenched like he was resisting. I stepped even closer to him. I snaked my hands over his palm and interwined our fingers. I could hear how fast his heart,beat. Closing the space between us,I snaked my other arm around his neck, standing on tiptoes.

He shut his eyes,taking slow and deep breaths. I wanted to kiss him so bad,we were so close,I could feel the heat radiating from our bodies. He leaned in to kiss me but resisted again and looked away,holding my shoulders and setting me down on my heels.

"Go in,Stephanie and be careful" He removed my hand from his wrist and turned,quickly walking away. I wrapped my arm around my body. That's the closest we've been since three days and just being that close to him made me crazy and fall hard for him all over again. I turned on my heel and walked back inside my dorm room. Chris rushed to me holding my shoulders.

"I saw what happened,oh my God" She clasped her hands over my cheeks. "See? You could have let me follow you,thank God for Mr Fernando" She sighed and shook her head.

"You saw what happened? Even Fernando beating him up?" She nodded. My eyes flew open. She stared at me for a moment before realisation hit her too.

"Shit-" She mumbled. I dashed for my pocket,quickly fishing out my phone and dailing Mateo's number. It was a surprise he picked the call quickly.

"Fernando,I think there's a huge problem"

"What is it?" He responded calmly. I chewed on my bottom lip.

"I think the CCTV cameras may have caught you in that fist fight" He was silent for a while before I heard him curse under his breath. "What are we going to do,Fernando" I panicked.


"It's my fault you got into that fist fight,I can show my gratitude by helping you out atleast"

"How exactly" I blinked repeatedly,I don't know how. "Thank you,Stephanie. But this is my problem to sort out,so I'll handle it myself" I pulled the phone from my ear and looked at his contact saved on my phone. "Bye" He said and ended the call. I glanced at Chris.

"Aww" She came over to me and hugged me. I stared blankly at the wall. How did we get to this? It all escalated so quickly,I didn't even have time to understand everything happening. "Just forget it,it's getting late,have a good rest now" I stiffly lay on my bed,feeling downcast.

Take your time Mateo,but please don't end this.

A way shorter chapter! Thanks for reading. This chapter has so much negative vibe so I just wanted to end it quickly or...I had nothing else to write here 😁 I see the reads adding up,please I can't believe i don't even have a single vote,come on guys 😕

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