Chapter 12-Club? Or...

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Stephanie's POV

"The party's not until 7pm-" Mateo said as he walked in on me doing my makeup. I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

"I'm excited"

"To see other men drool over you?" He said lowly as he leaned down and wrapped his arms around me,kissing my neck. I smiled,watching him from the vanity mirror.

"No" I replied. He kissed my cheek and scoffed. "Babe,come on" I laughed shortly.

"You can't think so with such an outfit" He eyed down my body seductively. I pulled the hem of the short red dress down and pulled the collar that exposed my cleavage up.

"You bought this for me" I pouted and ran my fingers through my hair which was now in wavy curls. I glanced at him through the mirror. He was leaned against the closet,watching me.

"It's fine...we're going to a club anyways" I smiled and got up,walking over to him. I stood on tiptoes and kissed his lips lightly,not wanting to ruin my makeup. He immediately pulled me back by my waist and planted his lips on mine, kissing me desperately. I moaned against his touch and ran my hands over his abs. He groaned and lifted me off the floor,my legs wrapped around his torso.

His tongue wandered into mine,dancing around my mouth before he captured my lips again,his fingers digging into exposed thighs. I gasped lowly,putting my hands under his shirt and taking it off of him. He stopped and held my hands.

"You want to have sex with me now?" I blushed and looked away. "We might not go for the party-" I glanced at him. He smirked and I let go of his torso. He put me down gently and turned me so my ass hit his thighs. "I'm so turned on right now" He whispered,arching my back and leaning down to kiss my neck.

"So what would you do about it" His hand snaked between my thighs and pulled my thong aside,slipping two fingers into me. I gasped as he pushed them further in. "Fuck" I moaned, catching my bottom lip between my teeth.

"I love how wet you are for me" He whispered seductively,shoving my hair aside and turning my head to kiss me. I couldn't focus on the kiss cause my mind was on how his fingers moved and caused my kitty to throb. I took my hands behind his head,grinding my ass against his hard dick.

"Please fuck me Mateo" I moaned, wanting to feel his dick inside me. He groaned against my ear.

"You're all dolled up and when I fuck you,I fuck you senseless. We don't want to ruin your makeup and your dress" I bit my bottom lip as his fingers slipped out of me. His nails dragged along my thigh gently. He didn't touch me for a second but his other hand remained on my waist,holding me. "Fine wine" He mumbled as his hand came back and groped my breasts.


"Hmm? You what,talk to me"

"I want you to fuck me now Mateo,I'm going crazy"

"I believe I'm already crazy" He lifted my dress up to reveal my ass and spanked it hard.

"Ahhh,yes" I smiled,he rubbed the sore flesh gently,holding my waist and jamming my ass against his dick. I didn't like the rough material against my flesh so I quickly turned and pulled his shorts away,his dick bounced out,long and big in my face.

Mhh,want me that bad?" I ignored him and held his dick,shoving it into my mouth. He groaned deeply,holding my hair up as I sucked his dick. "Baby,I love when you're like this-" I took in his balls,sucking hard on it before letting his dick go.

"You make me like this" I replied. He smirked and pulled me up,throwing me on the bed. I lay back,waiting for his touch. It came soon enough as his fingers rubbed my clit. It felt like my kitty was on fire. I longed so much for him to just fuck me and ease the heat.

"I love your kitty"

"More than you love me?" I joked. He nodded,playing with her slowly.

"I think so" He leaned down,and covered my kitty with his mouth,sucking and rolling his tongue into me hard.

"Babyyy" I slurred,gripping the sheets tightly. He leaned back up and wetted his dick before sliding it into me. "Yes,fuck me Mateo" His body had reddened and all his veins stood out. I moaned loudly as he pounded me roughly,holding my legs on his shoulder. After a while,he flipped me on all fours and slipped his dick back in,fucking me from the back. He spanked my ass twice, and gently soothed it "Yes,yes,yes,baby" I moaned,shutting my eyes as he played with my nipple. He wrapped one hand across my shoulders and pulled me up,so my ass hit his abs as we fucked.

"I'm gonna cum inside your kitty" He groaned. I shut my eyes as he fucked me even faster,his balls hitting against my clit.

"Don't stop,please" I moaned as his fingers rubbed my clit roughly. "Ah! Fuck,omg. I'm coming" The moment he released inside me,I squirted all over his dick,shaking violently as I came even more. He held my body against his.

"Fuck" He groaned as he leaned down to kiss me. "I love fucking you" I chuckled as he laid me down to face him. His dick wasn't as hard anymore as he leaned down and kissed my breasts,my chest heaving up and down.

"I love how you fuck me and spank me" I smirked. He groped my ass.

"You have a fucking big ass and wet kitty. I go crazy when it comes to you" He trailed his fingers over my faint abs.
"You're even sexier when I fuck you and I know you like me being rough" I blushed terribly.

"Naughty" I turned my back to him as he pulled me so my ass touches his dick.

"I could fuck you again and not stop but I guess we have a party and we don't want to get tired"

"What party?" I turned and frowned, searching for an answer. He cocked his brow at me. A party?

"Nichole' the club? You promised her and you dolled up for it" He nodded at the human sized mirror in front of the bed we laid on. My hair was messy but my makeup was still slightly visible.

"Oh" I mumbled and he laughed shortly. I can't believe I actually forgot again. Things like that always happen when we have sex. We were both half naked and him watching me through the mirror made me want to sink through the bed.

"Stop staring at me like that"

"Like what,don't I get to?" He glanced at me and back at our reflection.

"You do but you have those eyes that look like you want to devour someone"

"I only want to devour you,princess" He smirked and kissed my neck,leaving a love bite. I turned and faced him. His eyes remained on the mirror.

"My eyes are here" It took a while before his eyes snapped to mine even then,he still focused on the mirror.

"I left a handprint" He announced. "On your ass" His eyes remained on the mirror.

"Oh you!" I hid my face in his neck.

"Come on,let's shower"

Hi! Do I like sex scenes? Yes! So maybe I'll make them have sex all the time,why? Cause I can 😈 Leave a vote for more sex scenes or don't,so I know you don't like them.

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