Chapter 8-Heartbreak

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Stephanie's POV

It's been a three days since Mateo last spoke to me. The last time he did was at his house. We were supposed to do an assignment together but when I returned with the books,he'd left the house and he didn't come back that night. When he didn't come back the next morning,I took my few things and left the house. Even at school,he'd act like I'm the most unserious student in class.

He'd interrogate me on why I was late or he'd want me to answer all his questions in class. He never smiled for once and sometimes when I catch him looking at me,he has this worried or angry look on his face. When I try approaching him,he'd say that we don't have any business in school. When I try calling him,he wouldn't pick my calls.

I decided that enough was enough and stayed back in class one day,waiting for everyone to leave. When it was just two of us,he knew I was there but he didn't want to acknowledge me. I walked up to him.


"It's Fernando,Miss Stephanie" He spat,not looking at me.

"Mateo,what is going on! You're acting so childish,it's pissing me off!" I scoffed. "Fernando? Why all of a sudden? Can you tell me what's going on?" He dropped the papers on his desk and took his glasses off. He sighed audibly and interwined his fingers over his nose. He had this pained expression on his face that made me want to hold him but the line he was drawing between us kept me far.

"Who's Leo?" He finally spoke,glancing up at me. I frowned and thought deeply.

"Leo? Who's that-"

"Stephanie,please-" His voice dragged as he forced his eyes away from me. My heart ached and everything was driving me crazy. I forced back a tear and urged him to continue.

"I really don't know who that is,Mateo, please talk to me"

"He said he's your boyfriend and that you've been dating and-" He paused to watch my expression. I then remembered who Leo was and what happened. "I doubted him at first but I couldn't hold back from reading your chats with him and I'm very disappointed at you,Stephanie" I felt my heart cracking and my mind swirling.

"Mateo,it's really not what you think. I had to do what I did because..." I chocked on my tears. "Because I wasn't sure about us and I didn't want to feel devastated if we broke up eventually"

"That's enough reason to two-time me?" He asked,his voice calm yet piercing deep into my heart. "You were worried about not feeling devastated? How about me? Did you think how I'd feel after finding this out?" I cried quietly,wishing all of this would end.

"I'm so sorry,I really am,I was so selfish-"

"Stephanie do you really think that would work? Do you know how much my heart broke? I wanted to trust you,I didn't want it to be true-"

"You're making me feel bad,Mateo-"

"I feel bad as well! Can you somehow tell me this is all a joke? Did you also meet with him?" I covered my face with my palms,crying into it. I didn't think he'd find out.

"Mateo,I was going to end it with Leo,I wanted to tell him but every time it skips my mind" I tried to explain. He leaned back on his chair and rolled his eyes. They were red and watery and I could tell he was trying to hold back his emotions. "I love you,Mateo. I don't love Leo,I never did" He couldn't even look at me. If I were him,I wouldn't even look at me. I felt disgusted at myself. Why did I start it in the first place? What was I thinking?

"Please leave,Stephanie" I frowned, coming closer to his desk.

"Mateo,we're not breaking up,right?" I asked desperately. He didn't look at me or respond. He just continued the work on his desk. I walked up to him and grabbed his wrists. "Mateo,please I don't want to do this" I shook my head vigorously. "I don't want us to end this,please. I'm sorry" I broke down,crying again. I felt his hand on my arm. I looked up at him. He gently pulled his hand away from my grip.

"I think we need space,Stephanie. I think you need space to think of your actions and I need space to think of mine" I stepped back,holding my hands to myself,feeling my heart break into tinier pieces. I felt myself entering that dark,lonely cave before I met Mateo. It was all happening so fast. I turned on my heel and forced myself to leave but once I stepped one foot in front of the other,I felt my legs get wobbly and my vision get blurry. I forced the other leg forward and the possibilities of not seeing Mateo again clouded my mind. I slumped to the ground,loosing consciousness.


"Steph,are you up?" I heard a familiar, feminine voice. I slowly opened my eyes and blinked repeatedly. My eyes felt puffy and painful. I glanced to my side and saw Christina. She smiled pitifully at me. "Come on,have some water" She helped me sit up and held a glass of water to my dry lips. My throat felt dry too and sore.

"W-what happened?" She sighed and stroked my hair.

"I should be asking you that,from what I heard,Mr Fernando rushed you to the nurse's,saying you fainted" I looked away from her and stared at the wall opposite me. Mateo.

"What did he say exactly?" Her brows knitted and she cocked her brows.

"Did anything happen between you two? Are you guys okay?" I avoided the question as much as I could. She sighed. "You're a hot mess" She cupped my cheeks. "Tell me what's going on" She looked like she wasn't going to let it go so I sat up and leaned my back on the bed rest. I told her everything,starting from how I dated Leo for selfish reasons and to how I was caught.

When I ended she stared at me like she was disappointed. I deserve whatever harsh words or harsh looks Mateo or Chris throw at me. I'm so stupid and selfish, I didn't even think of how Mateo would feel about it. She sighed and got up from the bed. I didn't want to look at her cause I'd feel much worse. She just stood there,pacing to and fro.

"So you guys talked?" I nodded,feeling hot tears on my cheeks. We remained silent for a while,only my quiet sobs could be heard. Then she wrapped her arms around me,rubbing me back. "It's okay,what you did was stupid but if he really loves you,maybe you guys can sort things out. If not,you're stuck in the single zone...with me" She pulled me back and wiped my tears. "I could be your boyfriend" She shrugged,smiling. I scoffed and wiped my tears.

"So you're not disappointed?"

"Ofcourse I am,I really am but,I love you so much and I want you to be happy so I wouldn't hold this against you,okay? People make mistakes it's a chance to become better" I smiled. Such a silly mistake.

"I really am sorry,Chris" I tugged on her sleeve. She shook her head.

"You don't owe me any apology,go have a sincere talk with Mr Fernando"

"He's very disappointed at me and I can't bear to look at him like that" Chris stroked my hair gently,humming. Her fingers in my scalp made me want to fall asleep again. I yawned and adjusted myself comfortably in her arms. She chuckled slightly when she noticed I was gradually falling asleep.

"Don't let that man go,Steph. He's a keeper" I heard her voice before I shut my eyes to sleep.


"Stephanie,did you invite someone to campus?" Chris said as she shook my shoulders,waking me up. It hasn't even been ten minutes. I sat up,stretching. "Stephanie, a guy is here asking to see you" I threw my legs to the floor.

"Is it Mateo?"

"Who's that?" She frowned. I slapped my hand over my mouth. "I think you mean Leo. Leo's here,Steph"

Yay! Seeing these reads adding up, gives me courage to keep writing! I love you guys so much,you guys make me so happy 😊 My gorgeous audience 💜💜

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