Chapter 14-Fight and makeup

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Mateo's POV

My head ached so much when I got up the next morning. Dang,I shouldn't have taken so much. I rubbed my temples as I threw the covers off my bed and stepped on the cold tiles. Tiles? Where's my rug? Wait... I jerked my head up,looking around.

"What the fuck?" I was in a room smaller than mine,so clearly I wasn't at my house. I jumped out of the bed and glanced at it,sighing in relief when I didn't see a passed out female. So why and how did I get here? I spotted my phone on the bedside table. No calls or texts from Stephanie. I hoped she was okay.

Someone knocked on the door and a man in a robe walked in. I jumped back,glaring at the man.

"Oh,you're up" He laughed. I peered at his face. Where have I seen this guy? He looked familiar. "You slept off once you hit your head on the pillow,and don't worry I helped you change" I looked down and noticed I was in a robe too,matching ones with his.

"What is this" I pointed at the robe.

"Shouldn't you be grateful,sir?" He smiled cockily at me and produced a cup of coffee from heaven-knows-where. "Have some coffee"

"Who are you and why did you kidnap me" He burst out laughing,pointing his finger at me. I didn't see what was funny but he enjoyed his laugh turning red as well.

"Don't you recognise me?" The guy spread his arms out,tilting his head. "And I didn't kidnap you,I just did you a favour" I peered at his face,I know he seemed familiar but I just couldn't place my finger on it.

"No,I don't recognise you. Have we met?"

"I was your student!" He did jazz hands as he said that. I clicked my tongue and tilted my head.

"Were you?" He dropped his hands to the side.

"Yes,I was. Ray Luoise?" He pressed on. I thought deeply and then snapped my fingers.

"Oh,the kid that had stage fright during his project presentation" His brows knitted together.

"Is that how you remembered me?" I shrugged.

"Atleast I do remember you" He sighed and dropped the coffee on the table. "What is that?" He glanced at me and at the cup.

"Coffee for you"

"I only drink black coffee" He nodded and took the cup back. "Where are my clothes?"

"Don't you want to stay and hang-"


"Okay, let me get you breakfa-"

"I'm a little bit in a hurry so do you mind?" He scoffed and left the room,returning few minutes later with my clothes.

"Here" He pushed the clothes to my chest. "I only let you stay at my house cause Christina politely asked me to. She's such an angel" He finished and stood there looking at me.

"Get out"


"Do you want to see me undress?" He slowly smiled at me and I grabbed some pillows and threw at him. He scampered out of the room,slamming the door shut.

"There's a not used toothbrush in the cabinet in the bathroom. You're welcome!" I groaned and quickly dressed. He's always been a headache. I went into the bathroom and searched for the toothbrush. It was still packed and a tub of toothpaste lay next to it. I grabbed them and quickly washed my mouth and dashed out of the bathroom.

I heard a knock on the door again.
"If there's anything else you need,I'll be glad-"

"Just stay outside and remain there,Ray, thank you"

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