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Two more days went by with very little interaction with Dominik besides at night. She felt like after he came into the bedroom he shed parts of his fear mongering mafia man persona. But hell, what does she know. They've only been married a week.

Salina knew he was already in bed right now. He was reading some book in Russian, he was engrossed in the novel and she didn't care enough to try and ask him about it. They'd gotten more comfortable sleeping besides one another, well she did at least. It seemed Dominik is never uncomfortable. In their sleep they always woke up closer than they'd been when they fell asleep but she couldn't let herself dwell on it.

Taking in a deep breath, she eyed the satin cloth in her hands. Insecurity wasn't something she felt often, especially over something so silly. So, after biting her cheek she slipped her usual bonnet on. In all of her life she had never gone more than a day or two sleeping without a bonnet to protect her natural hair and she'd be damned if this man made her miss more time than he already has. Salina prided herself on her hair, keeping it healthy was important considering how often she changed and styled it. Over the weekend she wants to flat iron it and her silly insecurities have gone on too long.

Salina wasn't sure if it was because no one really sees her wearing it or because she is sure Dominik isn't familiar with women wearing it considering their different backgrounds. Tying the band to the perfect tightness, Salina stepped out while on her phone. Besides that she was in silk pajamas, cute ones that made her look angelic- in Dominik's opinion.

His eyes zeroed in on the black fabric billowing around her hair, his dark gaze finally lifted from his book.

Wasting no time, he put it down and asked. "Why're you wearing that?"

He was never one to beat around the bush.

Salina shut her eyes, huffing quietly. "I usually wear it at night. It's for my hair." She slid into bed as the lights dimmed. It was quiet for a moment but she could feel him still watching her. By now she was used to it when they were in the same room but right now it was pissing her off. Her tongue ran over her teeth but she didn't say anything.

Dominik turned to face her completely now. He didn't ask why she hasn't worn it from the start, her avoidance of eye contact was telling enough. "What does it do for your hair?"

Salina's eyes narrowed in more confusion before scoffing. When she caught sight of his face she saw he was not being sarcastic and simply looking at her waiting for an answer.

"Seriously? Do you want to actually hear why or are you just humoring me?"

"You can tell me or I can search it up." He was a man who craved knowledge- what can he say?

Rolling her plush lips once, she began explaining. "It protects my hair and keeps it from being extra frizzy," she turned to face him. Her brown eyes flitted up to his own momentarily before falling back to look over his shoulder. "Our pillow cases absorb oil from our hair. It doesn't really affect your hair texture because your hair produces more oil than mine. You wash your hair more often because of it too. The silk fabric doesn't absorb oil like that. It's just healthier," Salina felt sheepish for whatever reason as she fiddled with a thread from their duvet.

Dominik hummed, intrigued entirely by the information. Not that he didn't notice their differenced- because he did- his skin was porcelain for God's sake and her own was a rich mahogany that captivated the attention of everyone around. He admired her hair and all the things he's seen her do with it so far, entranced by her curls when they sat naturally but he supposes he never considered how different it may be compared to his down to the fine detail.

"Would you want different pillow cases?" he asked simply as he turned onto his back to stare at the ceiling.

Salina was surprised by the question. "They actually do have those. I'm not sure, I've been wearing a bonnet for years. I might just like the old fashion way."

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