Forty One

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"Ублюдок!" Dominik hissed as he tossed his golf club into the forest to his right.


Salina sat with her arms crossed as she watched her husband from the golf cart. Next to her was Lev as they watched the three Ivanov men bicker back and forth about their game of golf. They'd just gotten back from their honeymoon and Salina figured it'd be nice if they got together as a family to celebrate privately.

This wasn't what she had in mind, while bringing up the conversation to brainstorm ideas Aleksei had smugly brought up a golfing trip.

Salina didn't understand why Lev had tensed up at the suggestion, but she found out very quickly. Aleksei and Dominik had a rivalry going that's been since rehashed and reignited about who is the better golfer.

Salina had also learned that none of the Ivanov men were particularly good at golf, so it was rather pitiful to watch. She has found their kryptonite at last, they couldn't go on any longer being perfect at everything.

So, here she sat, next to Lev in her all pink golfing outfit with expensive sunglasses sat on her nose waiting for them to finally behave. Salina was actually pretty good at golf, unfortunately this only spurred the men on.

"You're a pompous fucking asshole, you couldn't hit a ball straight if you goddamn tried," Dominik seethed at Aleksei.

"Oh that's rich coming from you. I would say take another swing but your balls in the fucking lake and your club belongs to the wilderness now!"

Dima stood between the oldest and the youngest of the trio, looking at their audience in the golf cart exasperatedly.

Salina took a sip of her cocktail at the same time Lev downed his mimosa.

"You little-!" Dominik lunged for Aleksei's throat. A short yell of alarm bubbled from Aleksei's chest as he didn't move quick enough from the Russian devil.

"What was your favorite part of Italy?" Lev leaned back against his cushioned seat.

Salina hummed in thought as the three of them wrestled to the ground.

"I loved how clear the waters were. Everyone was so welcoming, probably thanks to Angelo. But I think my favorite was how normal it felt. I felt like we were in our own bubble, the security didn't feel as overbearing, we would walk to the market while we were there and went to the local bars. It was serene."

Lev nodded as he felt a twinge of sadness not only for Salina but for his three boys, they would never know a life like that.

Salina couldn't help but grin, "Although, it was bound to get boring eventually."

"So, you like the business aspect then? The trip didn't make you resent it?"

"Oh god no, it was nice temporarily. But I would go stir crazy, besides Dominik wasn't built for that lifestyle. He'd end up in prison even if he grew up as a civilian."

"And you? Do you think you were built for this lifestyle?"

Her glossy lips pursed as she tilted her head cutely in thought, "I don't know. I mean I know I do well enough besides Dominik but I wouldn't be dumb enough to say I was wired for it like him. We think differently."

"Some would say you balance each other out," Lev offered.

Her pearly white showed when her grin widened, "I think that's right."

The two of them glanced up finally when a golf cart of men showed up, seemingly here to golf at this hole. There was four of them and they took in the sight of three grown men fighting near where they intended to set up.

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