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Salina sat in the car besides Dominik as they pulled into Luxe. He looked at her for the umpteenth time during the ride.

"We're already here, I can't change and if I could I wouldn't."

"I don't even want to fucking be here," he grumbled.

"I don't know why you're so pissy, at least Lev wants to see you," she huffed with her cheek rested on her hand.

She'd gotten dressed up and for what? For her husband to growl and snarl at every person in her vicinity. The tight black dress she wore came to her mid-thigh. There were long off the shoulder sleeves as the top hem of the dress was lined with expensively bedazzled fabric. The swoop of the strapless dress pressed her boobs up tightly to keep everything in place. She gained a few inches in her silver heals that tied up her calves.

"What does it matter if Lev wants to see me," he hopped out of the car and Salina obediently stayed in the car until he opened the door for her like he always did. When he did so, helping her out of the car, the other people waiting outside watched them. Dominik tugged her up and into his chest, his hand smoothed over the small of her back as he bent down.

He was dressed in black slacks and a dark gray button up. She toyed with the chain around his neck as he kissed up her own. Salina couldn't tell if this was for show or if it was because he was in one of his moods. Dominik would get scary clingy at random times in the day.

"I think my cousins will be here," he murmured as he kissed below her ear. Shutting her eyes tightly, she exhaled through her nose. "Okay," she grit.

"I'm not going to let anything happen, you know that," he cupped the back of her neck. Her curls were slicked back out of her face and he toyed with the baby curls at the nape of her neck. Salina sighed and kissed his jaw, "I know."

He nodded, taking her hand and leading her inside. She admired his side profile as everyone parted for him and he was lead straight inside through the exclusive club. Salina leaned closer and held his arm tight, "You look handsome tonight."

Dominik eyes widened before he smirked down at her, "Don't I always, baby? Aren't you so glad to have an attractive husband?"

Salina snorted and bumped her hip against him, "Yeah I guess I am. I could've gotten stuck with Berna."

At the reminder, Dominik scowled. "Don't say that, it'll piss me off." Her brows furrowed as she looked at him funny, "How're you going to be pissed? I'd be the one married to the prick."

"Why do you think I fuckin' killed him? I don't want to think about that shit."

Salina's jaw dropped, "That's why you killed him?" she almost shrieked but lowered her voice. Dominik only shrugged and left her with the startling revelation as he opened the door to where Lev and his cousins were waiting for them.

"Fashionably late as usual," Lev and Dominik clasped hands in a manly way as they were led inside. "Salina, you look beautiful." He shook her hand as well as Dima and Aleksei both nodded at Dominik. Dominik held her hand tightly as he pulled out her chair. On the table they sat at, there were multiple different platters.

Her focus was on the fruit platter and wine nearest to her. Before she could grab it, Dominik did so for her. Despite being in front of the three other men, she couldn't help smiling gratefully at him and whispering a quiet thank you.

"Dima don't you have something to say to Salina?" The only woman in the room paused for a second, frowning as she was loading up on fruits for herself. Plucking a pineapple from her plate with her nails, Salina made eye contact with Dima.

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