Thirty Seven

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Salina rest her head back against their headboard, sighing quietly. She was sat up and Dominik was as close to her as possible. His head laid against her stomach as he slept on his back.

His entire lower torso was wrapped as well as his shoulder. Salina reached under his arms gently, pulling him up on an incline so his head lulled against her chest. Humming softly, Salina rubbed his muscular chest as she pressed her nose to his temple.

She wasn't surprised he hadn't woken up, Dominik was on so many drugs right now after last night but Salina couldn't sleep.

Not after she'd almost lost her husband. Sleep seemed unachievable.

She rubbed his chest lightly over his heartbeat, with her other she scratched his scalp. Kissing up his neck, Salina inhaled his scent.

After he'd fallen asleep Salina wiped him down in their bed and changed his boxers while minding his injuries. She was only in one of his t-shirts after cleaning herself up and quickly wrapping herself around him.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," Salina murmured against his collar. It wasn't just that Dominik was the only person she truly trusted. She has no family beyond what he's given her.

Lev, Aleksei, and Dima- they were all attached to Dominik before they were attached to her. He'd given them to her indirectly after she lost her own blood family.

But without Dominik- she'd be lost. Before him, Salina was simply pushed around in whatever direction she ended up in. Dominik made her feel important, she felt needed.

And of course she needed Dominik, how could she get through the day without his unwanted two-cents on everything? Without his kisses and affection that made her stomach jumble with nerves still after everything they'd been through.

They were terribly co-dependant.

It was just their reality, even just going dress shopping yesterday was tough. She wanted Dominik's thoughts on everything.

Nuzzling into his shoulder, she lifted her head up and pressed her lips to his temple and let her eyes close. When Salina was finally relaxing with her cheek smushed against his when she felt him shift.

Dominik murmured, his dry lips pressed against her bicep briefly before he kissed it. "Baby," he croaked.

"Hurting?" Salina whispered while kissing his cheek.

"Not too bad," Dominik rasped while turning his head. Their mouths brushed one another's, he wasted no time deepening the kiss.

"Feelin' much better," he growled as his tongue brushed greedily against her own.

"Stop," she whimpered as she pulled away to check his face out for the millionth time as if she was checking he was still there.

"You have to rest," Salina nudged her nose against his own. She brushed her thumb over the dark circles under his eyes.

Dominik cracked his eyes open, flickering them over her face. "Talk to me, my love."

Salina's unmoving face cracked for a moment, her brows falling and her eyes shining in the dim light of their room.

"Tonight was just a hard reminder that there's a chance you might not come home to me."

"Hey," his gaze suddenly hardened with seriousness. Dominik tilted his head back to get a good look at her.

"I'll always find you. Nothing could keep you from me... not even the depths of hell. I'd crawl my way back to you, baby."

Salina sniffled, her lips quivering as she nodded shakily. She frowned tightly to hold back her cries but he cooed softly, pressing his forehead against her own. He murmured sweet words, nuzzling into her warmth.

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